
The Killers - Miss Atomic Bomb

“原子弹小姐”是杀手乐团第四张专辑《战争诞生》(Battle Born)中我最喜欢的歌曲。其实要在一张专辑找到好听的歌曲不难,可是要找到一首对自己而言很有感觉的歌,是一件可遇不可求的事情。就如你可以有很多朋友,但是跟你有默契的不是随便要有就有的。所以,如果这个感觉到位而且在某个时间点激起我的冲动,我会捉着这个感觉。捉久一点,直至我捉不到为止。

有一个朋友说,他很喜欢乡村歌谣(country song),那是因为歌词对周遭的环境有很细致的描述,比如杯的形状、某人的昵称,或床的牌子。是的,我也喜欢那样,可我比较喜欢摇滚。“原子弹小姐”里有这样的描述:当我回想那些霓虹灯的夜晚、那些皮质沙发、惯例走过的街道,我感觉到那股热,我看见光亮。接着,歌还这样唱:在月光下追逐影子,在炎热的夜晚穿越沙漠;在那凝注的一秒,我们曾经赢得了什么;是的,我们曾经的天真和青春。




Halloween - War Soldier





Birthday Present


当然,我也有一些很要好的朋友,买生日礼物就不是那么简单的事情。首先,他们的品味很高,如果你的品味没有到达相当的水准就不要逞强。市场上有很多礼物卡(例如IKEA的gift card给刷进三百元送友人),你可以让朋友买他自己喜欢的物品。如果喜欢H&M,可以给他来张礼卡让他过足瘾。以前觉得如果没能买一份朋友喜欢的生日礼物,那是功夫或交情没做好。人大了也没有那么在意,开心就好。反正友谊能拖拖拉拉到今天也不是简单的事情。


AT&T - The Last Text

只需几个字,你即可拿走自己的生命。其实真的是因为我们看不起那几个简单的字,我们在开车时输入要发送的讯息,车祸发生时,我们才看得起那几个字,代价不小却也太迟了。有些事情可以等,生命不可能重来,好好珍惜。请专注开车。看了这系列广告后,让我有如同的感受,我绝对要戒掉开车用手机的恶习。也促请大家一起小心驾驶,注意安全。你可观看广告系列的视频 BBDO New York, "The Last Text"


Haruki Murakami - Miscellaneous Works





Coconut Sunday - By The Wall

泰国三男一女流行摇滚乐队椰子星期天(Coconut Sunday)最新单曲By The Wall ( บางเวลา baang way-laa, baang有‘一些’的意思,weelaa的意思是‘时间’,应该是‘有些时候’)。MV加插了日式动画,没什么太过惊奇。我就是喜欢这首流行摇滚曲,有感觉,有beat。


NAB Honest Credit Card - Get rewarded

This campaign made honest people feel rewarded like a celebrity or a public figure. You need to stun hell lot of people to deliver the prestigious honesty rewarded feeling, as by watching that I could not get that stunning feeling. Well, after all, it's a okay gimmick.
nab - more give, less take.


Convenience VS Resources

Today I take away my coffee using this flask that I have a year ago. I have my coffee take away everyday from the canteen 2 floors down. So in total roughly 260 plastics bags is used for this convenience (52 weeks X 5 working days). The canteen is just 2 floors below and because of my laziness and for convenience, I have used up 270 plastic bags. Convenience provide great comfort, yet we are consuming much of the resources, and perhaps we take for granted. From now onwards, I should be more eco-friendly. 


Bowling - If She Will Love

หากเธอจะรัก (Hahk Tur Ja Rak, If She Will Love), featuring ปราโมทย์ฯ, from Bowling Manida Reuangsri's album "Strike". A love song, a duet. I wish you like it. I wish you find love. I wish you could forget the past, move on and love again.


Les Misérables

雨果的杰作《悲惨世界》真令人感动。我在伦敦时去看了一场歌剧Les Misérables。今年12月希望有机会看此片。这片头,播出了Anne Hathaway演唱的I Dreamed a Dream。我还记得看歌剧时我掉下了眼泪,我被故事的悲惨感动。我希望爱不死。


Sarah Polley - Take This Waltz

当你在爱一个人的时候,巧妙地在另外一人身上找到爱的感觉,你要如何去面对?Sarah Polley的新电影Take This Waltz勾起我的兴趣,因为这不是一件简单的事情。感觉是一件很奇怪的化学作用。我一直都认为,这件事没有答案。我一直相信和每一个人的相遇都有很不同的感觉,所以我常对每个人保持新奇。我很想看这部电影,看他们的故事。


Palmy - Cry Cry Cry

There is a hint of sadness lingering. Vague, as if it is not there, but it surfaces along this song.


Norah Jones - Happy Pills

虽然一直还是很喜欢Norah Jones的首张专辑,但毕竟大家还是要走下去活日子。就算不是目前最好的也继续干活。就这样继续下去等到另一个让自己再深深吸气感觉美好的时分。
Norah Jones' single "Happy Pills" from album "Lillte Broken Hearts". Of course I love the first album most, those bossa nova music fill the air and sooth me like nobody else before. Yet we go on, until we find the next best thing.


Armchair - To Love Truly

Armchair's รักแท้ (To Love Truly) from album Spring. Armchair is a Thai pop band with Yong as vocal, Jor as bass and Phueng as guitar. They have 4 albums - pastel Mood, Design, Spring and Tender. Their latest single is 'View' on 2007. รัก (rák) means to love; แท้ (táe) means true, real or genuine. นักรัก (nák rák) means lover and ที่รัก (têe rák) means sweetheart. Kao jai mai?


相信今天周日很多人去扫墓。上个周日我们很早就去扫墓。我们准备了很简单的祭品—婆婆爱喝的可可饮料、公公喜欢的南洋芒果,还有Swiss roll蛋糕。爸妈都记得这些个人喜好细节,我则回想起与祖父母的生活细节。过了这么多年,那些生活moment依然清晰。虽然睡眼惺忪,扫墓的感觉还是很温馨,好像他们有重来这个人世一趟。


Sigur Rós - Ekki múkk

After a long hiatus, Sigur Rós is back with the new album "valtari", on May 28th. This song "Ekki múkk" is taken from the the album. It sounds more Singur Rós than Jonsi (whichever, I still adore).
冬眠过后,Sigur Ros回来了。即将在5月28日推出新专辑《valtari》。听见这首上载的“ Ekki múkk”更叫人迫不及待。真的是很好瘾。


Fun - Carry On

Carry On, another song I like from Fun's Some Nights. It makes me happy to find something I like and have feeling for. I could listen to it all day and feeling nice. Feeling nice is simply essential.
找到好音乐瘾是一件很快乐的多事情,感觉就像你的mailbox没有spam不必delete多余的junk。Fun乐队就是最近的新发现,让我很有feel再次面对生活。生活是美好的,我们要找到其中的乐趣carry on,好好地过。


Fun - We Are Young ft. Janelle Monáe

I loved this song of Fun – We Are Young. I listened to it a few days ago and I always played it these few days. Works are getting bored, colleagues are becoming mundane and not important. Tonight, we are young. I believed one day I would be doing what I wanted to do.

整个下午我都在打瞌睡。介于睡和醒之间,我一直在听着这首Fun的We Are Young。 身体很疲倦。不是不想工作,而是想躺下来睡觉。这首个同事也给了我一些面对生活的勇气。工作开始乏味,我应该活得更好一点。


Room39 - Delay

This is an old song of Room 39 from Thailand. It is called 'Delay' (หน่วง), a R&B song in Thai. A soothing song for Friday evening, without drama and office chaos. I know that my friend Nabila would be having fun at KLCC watching Girls' Generation, I think rather stay at home, with homely music.
又听见Room 39的歌 - หน่วง (延缓)。这次由男主音演唱,曲风R&B,听起来很舒服。感觉就是很舒服。通常礼拜五的晚上就会很早上床睡觉。五日以来的疲累累积到现在,是时候好好补眠,可是却又很爱周末的慵懒也不舍得。就是这样来来回回挣扎着。最终还是听歌,看杂志和上网。今晚是个宅男(几乎都是)。


Room 39 - The Last Station

刚才在网上收听泰国Virgin Hitz 95.5,听见这首Room 39的(最后一站),接着又发现这是泰国3D鬼片《鬼机航班》的主题曲。这部电影即将在马来西亚上映,电台宣传广告下个礼拜二录音,这是一部还蛮恐怖的电影。可是,这首歌还真好听。尤其晚上疲惫的时候特别好瘾。
Room 39 is a Thai pop rock band and this song "The Last Station" is a song for a Thai 3D horror movie "Dark Flight". Gradually I am loving Thai song day and day. It is soothing at night while doing nothing. Wish you all have a great night.


Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up

Jason Mraz的新专辑《Love is a Four Letter Word》即将在4月正式发行。这是首发单曲I Won't Give Up,他唱出生活在苦中一直一直不放弃的悲情。如果你曾经试过从不放弃一个人,很可能就会知道那种再苦也要坚持的感觉。很多事情在当下很苦,可是经历过后才觉得那是成长的其中一部分,那会让自己的生命更加精彩。我一直这样相信着。我也从来没有放弃生命。说真的,我是多么喜欢我的生命,是苦是温馨,都很想继续活下去。请让我好好继续活下去吧。
I won't give up on us even the sky get rough... A touching song especially listen at night. It is not easy to have the courage to live. I wish to live, I want to live, but I might not have a great courage. I always ask myself to be bold, do not waste your life, live fully and never give up on life. I could only hope I could live longer, better. I do not mind I look not younger, I do not have to pretend young. Just live at the moment of now and embrace what I have. I will be happy.


St Patrick - Arthur Guinness

说白了,圣帕特里克节其实就是喝黑啤的最佳借口。我们在这周六中午就到了在Bukit Damansara的Sid's Pub喝酒。当然我是很喜欢和健力士的酒友。如果不是喝酒,我看我还赖在床上继续做我的春秋大梦。可是说道喝酒,尤其是和酒鬼知己一起干杯,就是人逢喜事精神爽。大家聚在一起不知为什么就只知道拼命喝酒,一直笑,不停照相摆出很enjoy的上镜样子。然后喝到我非常疲累才舍得回家。那也只不过是下午5时的事情。
We gathered all Guinness lovers and be at Sid's Pub, Bukit Damansara and started drinking from 12 noon. We drank like nobody's business. We did not bother anyone's comment. We just loved to drink the magic black liquid and had fun and lost our senses in some stupid ways. And of course, the sausages are my favourite pair with beer, that was what made my day. Happy St. Patrick!

Sunday Preview - Take Me Home

我们经常感叹精彩的故事往往只在电影中发生。这个男人没有正牌德士驾照,在纽约企图赚钱,辗转遇上女搭客要他载她到加州。故事就是这样,我相信只发生在令人看得很爽的情节中。那句话:just drive,真想从自己的口中说出来。Just drive,放下一切不顾,就这样上路来一场属于自己的公路电影。每一次我希望这种故事发生在自己的身上时,大家都会告诉我,我看太多电影。你再说多少次我也不在乎。请《Take Me Home》。
Almost towards the end of the trailer, I saw something. I checked them out and found out that they are married couples in real life, and they played the romantic leads in this movie "Take Me Home". It seemed this fact was much more interesting than the movie itself. I mean, this road movie was not anything I had never heard or seen before. But I would love to find out how a real life couple to act in a movie.


25 hours - Beside

25 hours还算蛮红的,有一次周日傍晚听见在开车途中听见fly fm的节目-Asia Addiction听见他们播放25 hours的歌曲,但是我已经忘了是不是这一首。这首歌คนข้างๆ (Beside) 很好瘾,拍得很细腻,好像那个男人和女人过马路,男人自动挡在女人的前面,这实在很细腻,而且这一幕不造作。当然其它的情节有它煽情的地方,但是,这MV看了之后特别对生命中的各种关怀有感动。这是一首泰国pop rock,特别推荐给很需要爱和关怀的我们。窝心的感觉,来自你身旁的那个人。
I heart this song, as well as the MV. 25 hours is quite a popular band in Thailand. I listened this song through Virgin Hitz 95.5 online and then I found out this lovely video. Don't we all need care from somebody? be it little or serious, we need cares from people beside. Don't be stingy, give loves to people around us. Make lives beautiful, with simple heartful moves.


Drawsomething Craziness

Most of my colleagues were crazy about playing this drawing-guessing game: Drawsomething. All of them were so into it. I saw them laughed to themselves, laughing at others' drawings and I joint them as well. Actually, I kind of liked this game, it encouraged some arts and the knowledge to guess and vocabulary as well. Wait till I have an Android phone. By then, I reckon everyone will not be so passionate anymore.




Sunday Preview - L'Accordeur

本来要写稿,却在网络游荡,在虚拟世界做个无所事事游民。一个不小心看完了这部法国微电影,名为《L'Accordeur》(调音师)。说真的,这短片很精彩,结尾很强。男主角是Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet,就是那个出现在《Love Songs》和《The Army of Crime》的男主角之一。
This short film is called "The Piano Tuner" (L'Accordeur) by Oliver Treiner. It's is impressive, and it has a great plot which served the end of it. I thought it is brilliant and I liked it.





只是走了一小段路,就让我想起以前的日子。I really do not mind walking。一路上有风有雨滴,天不放晴,却是一个让人感觉悠闲的午后。我经过了一个做睦邻的草场和中心,几个印族同胞在小亭子午餐,那是多么棒且很户外的联谊活动。如果我向朋友建议,大家可能会傻眼看我。

真的,I do not mind walking。我还希望有人可以陪我走这段路。


Bell Supol - Can You Answer?

去年在曼谷的百货商场的CD店浏览看见的CD。完全没看懂CD上的泰文,也不知道这个收是什么东西。看封套,Bell是一个逗人喜爱的男生。听这首dtòp dâai măi wâa ... dâai măi,算是一首流行pop jazz,编曲方面有jazz的味道。感觉很有流行味道,嗓音一般,不知道在这个流行乐界可以耐多久。希望好好努力加油,别随便就被淘汰了。

Last year September when I was shopping in the Central World shopping mall, I saw this album of Bell Supol (เบล สุพล) in the CD shop, it is called "Afternoon". The first track is ตอบได้ไหมว่า...ได้ไหม (dtòp dâai măi wâa ... dâai măi), it could mean ''can you answer? ... can?" as
dtòp means answer, dâai means can and măi means not . It was a very pop album, with nice face and delectable design on the album cover.


With Zinee at Sid's Pub, Bangsar South

很久没见的朋友联络上了。通常上网FB我都没有即时通话。那一次通一通,遇上了旧同事,就约好一起去喝酒。酒吧Sid's Pub就在Bangsar South,也就是在友人办公的附近。星期四晚是lady's night,女人喝酒免费(天不赐我子宫)。那么,接下来的很多个周四,我很想再来!

Beer & sausages are always my cravings. I met up with this beautiful lady for many many pints. She is a lovely drinker. We used to be working together and drinking together all the times, and we loved that. I was feeling all those good old days were coming back. Oh yeah, make it a black Thirstday!

Venessa Paradis - La Seine

这首歌叫“La Seine”,即是法国出名的塞纳河,由Venessa Paradis演唱,这也是法国动画片《怪兽在巴黎》的主题曲。Venessa Paradis的气质非凡,不是一般的美女,很吸引人。MV中那个时代的巴黎也很吸引人。好像再次游玩巴黎!
The Seine is a song from the French animation "Un monstre à Paris" (A Monster in Paris). I understood some of the chorus, which they sang, "je ne sais ne sais, ne sais pas porquoi...". It means 'I don't know why'. My French is getting lame, I should work harder!

Fernando Livschitz - Inception Park

This short film was directed by Fernando Livschitz and produced by Black Sheep Film. Those cable cars traveled the Buenos Aires, like a tour bus showing the beautiful city landscapes but with absolute excitement. Thanks Kyle for sharing.


Vodafone - Zoozoo

This series of Zoozoo is absolutely adorable and funny. Those series of adverts are short and targeted on different features of mobile services. It's innovative and funny at the same time.


Groove Rider - Stop

听见这首歌很熟悉,原来才发觉曾经在泰国爱情喜剧电影《爱我一下夏》(ปิดเทอมใหญ่ หัวใจาวุ่น) 听过。无独有偶,我也刚巧在Virgin Hitz 听见这首歌马上拷贝名字上网搜索,才发觉是乐队Grove Rider的“停”。虽然才刚学泰语,但是还有很多还不会。尤其是才上了10堂课,字母也还没学完,所以没法在网上搜索。หยุด (yùt)的意思就是‘停’。这个字的发音才刚学。 Wan yùt的意思就是‘停日’,也就是假期的意思。这首歌好好听,身子也跟着动起来呢。

I heard this song from Virgin Hitz and quickly I copied the title and do a search, so it's a song by Grove Rider called "หยุด" (yùt), which means 'stop'. It sounded familiar, and then I remembered I heard it before while watching the Thai romantic comedy Hormones. The Thai title is ปิดเทอมใหญ่ หัวใจว้าวุ่น, which means 'restless hearts during school break'. The style is R&B groove, soothing a lot for a stressful day.

Palmy - Think Too Much (คิดมาก)

最近在听泰国的Virgin Hitz电台,之中发现了Palmy的这首Think Too Much,马上在youtube重听在看MV,实在也喜欢这首Kit Maak (คิดมาก)。朋友教过我泰语, kit teung的意思是想念。Kit就是想的意思。而maak就是很多的意思。艺人Palmy的原名是Eve Parnchareun,生于1981年,妈妈泰国人爸爸比利时人。他的确很漂亮,而且唱歌也很行哟!
Palmy is a famous Pop Rock artist in Thailand, she is very popular in Thailand, Singapore, Japan and Korea. (and I did not know why she is not well-known in Malaysia.) I tuned in to Virgin Hitz these few days ago and I found her name, then exactly this song I was hearing. "Kit Maak" means think too much. A nice song it was.


One FM - TVC Contest

one FM举办了一个比赛,征求参赛者制作one FM网络视频广告。这广告看起来制作很不错。故事情节也有一个明显的转折。

One FM hosted a contest to create a TVC to promote one FM. So this is one of the entries that have great favours from the audience.


Bennett Miller - Moneyball


Bennett Miller was the third director assigned to direct this movie. The previous one hired then fired is Steven Soderbergh. I was very curious how Moneyball would be if he was the director. Never mind, as at the end, This movie is entertaining, enjoyable with Brad Pitt's performance and I like the story and characters, with great music and sound effect to help narrate its brilliance. And such a masculine movie end with a little girl song, smart act.

Weekend Cold Cuts at Nini's


We craved for cold cuts after having it at Neroteca and got the temptation from El Meson. So we decided to DIY. Nini and I shopped at BSC for all those food shown in the picture. So we bought salami, smoked turkey ham, Bierwurst... then we get cheese, bread and salad with wine and some junk food. I must said it was a great lovely dinner at Nini's, while we were watching Vampire Diaries season 3. Simple night yet richness in content.


失去,让人悲伤惋惜。诚挚祝福她,希望她去到另一个美好世界,更希望每一个亡人去到另一个美好世界。这首歌突然间让我想起Whitney Houston。
There were songs I love most sung by Whitney Houston: Saving All My Love for You, How Will I Know, Didn't We Almost Have It All, One Moment in Time, I Will Always Love You.


Memrise - I Love You

要用很多种不同语言说出‘我爱你’不是什么太过新鲜的点子,可是这短片拍得很自然,特能有那种温馨的感觉,大家的反应很配合。当然拍摄地点是在大都会伦敦,有很多不同种族的人在那里生活。能够听见大家说一句歌子的I Love You真是觉得很温馨。这视频是我在今年情人节所看之中最让我感觉美好的(其实也没有什么空档看其它的)。

No matter how diffrent we say "I Love You" in our own languages, the feeling is same, it comes from a great intention of showing loves. How's lovely. Languages are fun to learn and especially in London, we could hear many diffrent languages at one place, like in a bus trip. Love is beautiful, and on Valentine's day, everyone should express loves. I LOVE YOU!


The Cranberries - Tomorrow


Of course I am feeling nostalgia. The Cranberries will be my forever favourite band. It has not been changed since I was in high school. And finally they are releasing their album, Roses, on this year Valentine’s day. Nice, this is one of those anticipations that makes me feel happy, or wanting for something in my life.


Moleskine - Travel Journal


I have a travel journal but not quite like Moleskine. I always want to have a Moleskine journal (I got one last time for my birthday). I am still writing the journal, it has a long time I do not travel and no story for the poor journal, being left there almost rotting. Well, the good thing is, I am going to travel soon.


Moleskine - Cat Journal

Lovely advert with lovely music. And Meowing, there for Moleskine Cat Journal advert. Moleskine has a passion series, for us to record the passions of our lives. I had never thought of an animal journal, that would be very fun to do that. I might need a pet. Perhaps for the future. MOLESKINE passions - Journal for the loves of your life. Watch another advert: Star Wars: The Origami Battle.


Quentin Jones - Vitoria, Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham的品牌拿下了2011年英国设计师品牌奖,这还是让我惊奇不已。最终她还是成功了。我看了这则关于Victoria这品牌的广告也对她的设计嘉许。其实,我更加喜欢这又Quentin Jones为她制作的广告。我很喜欢,也觉得很可爱。简单的设计有可爱的短片呈现出来,真的很可爱。
I like this short film by Quentin Jones to promote a fashion brand, Victoria, by Victoria Beckham. This kind of art direction was completely my cup of tea, that's why it caught my attention easily. The design is clean yet fun, so did the film. Click to watch this another film by Quentin Jones: Sartorial Film for Penhaligon's - The Tailors & The Nose, Chanel Particuliere.




Dolce Gabbana - The One Sport

特别喜欢奥林匹克这四年一次的盛事,因为在这一年,我们见看见许多为了这体育盛事而拼命出位的品牌。很明显的,这Dolce Gabbana的香氛The One的广告所展示的男模特儿,就像我们当初看见的奥林匹克运动会一样,展现了优美的酮体和线条,还有各种角度很棒的运动体态。虽然广告卖的是香氛,但是片子展示的都是男性的肉体,这也算是一种很间接的表达方式。没人要知道这香氛有什么unique selling points,一副好身材足够告知一切性感讯息。
This advert of Dolce Gabbana's The One Sport was portraying the beautiful sport and body of Olympic Games. I guess the male body was more fascinating than a bottle of fragrance, which was quite true. I like the setting, and of course the location, it yielded the spirit of Olympic.


Lanvin SS12 Ad Campaign

Wow, Lanvin latest spring/summer 2012 advert. The featured song was Cookieman written and produced by Pharrell Williams with vocal from artist Maxine Ashley. Photography was by Steven Meisel, as usual, always fascinating. The advert looked like a party of Adams and Eves, and this party looked desirable.

Prada SS12 Advert

汽车才刚流行的那个时代,一切是多么的有趣,不像现在添油变得是一种很烦不想自己干的事情。能够回到那个时代就好。Prada 2012年春夏广告就让大家回到那个气质非凡的时代,线条优美的自动车,几何线条的油站设计,当然就是Prada的时尚设计。喜欢Prada的原因,是因为它独特兼时尚之余,还很适合穿在身上。这则广告其实微微地藏了故事线,不同的音乐有不同的风格,可以百看不厌!
I was impressed by the latest Prada Spring/Summer 2012 Women's Advertising Campaign. The autos were beautiful with all those big and clear simple lines. Retro yet modern, the designs were clean, and some with details that were so desirable. That period of time, people still tuning to analog radio in the cars. Those featured songs included: Ariel Pink / Holy Shit - Written All Over Your Face, Tobacco - Dirt, Tom Recchion - Musaphonic, Sleigh Bells - Kids, Duck and Cover - Funnel of Love. Thanks to user who commented and listed them, as I love all those songs. Watch another Prada advert: Lea Seydoux for Prada Resort 2012, shot by Steven Meisel.


H&M X Beckham Bodywear

万人迷David Beckham和H&M合作推出Beckham Bodywear,看起来很有看头,相信可以刺激不少销量。这则广告展现他迷人的酮体和刺青,我相信有很多人很不得可以看得更多。这广告很普通,如果换了Beckham,应该是一则很普通的广告。也只有大明星的魅力才能让一般的东西变得出色。

Some would like to watch David Beckham Bodywear for H&M - Behind the scenes more than the original advert, as some always get 'more' to see. His body was like a map, with beautiful tattoos. I admire the tattoos.

M.I.A. - Bad Girls

最近很流行M.I.A.,刚在Madonna的Give Me All Your Luvin'看见M.I.A.和Nicki Minaj做大大配角,做拉拉队也做得非常落力。不久后我看见她最新单曲Bad Girls的MV,这才是M.I.A.的魅力!
M.I.A. is awesomely cool in this music video o Bad Girls. The MV was very Middle-Eastern feeling, and the song was kind of reggaebeat rap. The moves were heroic in the middle of nowhere, at least I felt that way. M.I.A. is the next big star!


Madonna - Give Me All Your Luvin'

Madonna要发新碟了!新专辑名字叫《MDNA》,首发单曲叫Give Me All Your Luvin',有我很喜欢的M.I.A.和Nicki Minaj助阵,这支MV看得很开心,没有太夸张,却很娜姐本色。iLike!
I have been listening to her since I was in primary school and still I am now. I reckon I will not really get tired of her till I am gone forever. This new single kind of remind me the 80s era of her. Yet I wanna say it sound like an ordinary pop song, and she does confess by singing it: "Every record sounds the same and you gotta step into the world"


H&M X Marni

Marni将和H&M将在3月推出合作系列,如果你是Marni的粉丝肯定会此疯狂。其实我应该说,如果你是H&M的粉丝,而且又很爱Marni的话(好像我),就会对此感到很兴奋。这则广告由Sofia Coppola操刀,配乐有些类似王家卫的风格,故事和画面其实还蛮Sofia的。本来就已经很想到摩洛哥游玩,看了这广告,真的好想去哟!
Sofia Coppola is good at stories of young girls, such as her movie Virgin Suicide and Marie Antoinette. So watching this H&M X Marni advert is no stranger at all, it felt like Sofia's style. Morocco is an exotic place I always wanted to visit. The song Avalon by Brian Ferry is a great song for this ad!


Sunday Preview - A Little French

说真的,我经常在看预告时就很喜欢该部电影。可不是每一步电影都是如此。这是一部加拿大法语电影 《Café de Flore 》(花神咖啡馆)Jean-Marc Vallée执导。一个故事发生在60年代的巴黎,单亲妈妈的唐氏症孩子爱上另一个唐氏症女孩。另外一个故事发生在现代的蒙特利尔,一个男人和离婚妻子和现任新欢有纠缠不清的关系;而其实,他们是前世今生。预告用上了Sigur Ros的音乐,所以特别吸引我。

单看法国电影《La Guerre est Declaree》 (战争已宣)的预告,就已经很有冲动想要冲进戏院。影片讲述当代年轻情侣面临孩子患重病的考验,他们不但为了孩子而战斗下去,同时也为了他们的人生而战斗下去。故事取材自真人真事,也由当事人扮演故事的角色,他们是导演兼女主角Valérie Donzelli和男主角Jérémie Elkaïm。本片获得了很高评价,同时也报名84届奥斯卡外语片。导演大玩电影技巧,用了许多配乐和感人moment让大家惊喜,并感觉片中大家都很想感受到的活力。

Jean-Marc Vallée's Cafe de Flore is quite a complicated story. The fact is, I like Venessa Paradis. It explored the human relationship in different times, different places. It took a lifetime, perhaps another lifetime. Gosh, It sounded depressing. But from what the trailer showed, it was quite depressing.

I watched the trailer of Valerie Donzeli's second feature film "Declaration of War" and I already felt the vitality that made me the rush to watch this film. It is about a contemporary couple who fight for their child's life and also their own lives. It was not a documentary, but in real life, they had a child who was ill. It should be inspiring and tearful.


Jason Wu for Target

我就是很容易地爱上这个广告。真想如果有机会一定要参与服装品牌的电视广告。服装品牌的广告和一般的广告的手法不同,品牌要很直接表达自己的性格,甚至可以制造跟风效应。服装品牌在retail上下了很重的功夫。就像这Jason Wu for Target,就是Target和Jason Wu的collaboration,价格上也比较舒服,所以很能制造一种很容易就能占有的购物欲。况且Jason Wu给总统夫人的名气带旺了,真的很吸引叻。
I love this advert, so simple and nice. Feeling good, feeling french, especially the black cat. I like Jason Wu's design and details, simple yet elegant. At the end, I saw this super printed on screen: Target: Expect More, Pay Less. Honestly, I love the idea and it works well.

Google Chrome - Tanjore

其实网络世界一切都变得很方便。这个广告,却用了古时很手工的方法,告诉大家如何建造网页,甚至连click这个动作,也由一个人用真实的箭头道具显示出来。很多时候,越先进的科技,就越需要更简单传统的方法来解释。可是看了几次,我还是觉得那是Google所有产品服务连带网络所带来的整体效用,也并没有觉得浏览器Google Chrome本身就有此神奇功能。到底这广告有凸现Chrome的厉害吗?我倒使很喜欢开头时,用印度文化元素将Chrome的标志印度化,连音乐也是很Bollywood的。
I am a frequent user of Chrome. I liked to use Chrome for its simpleness and convenience. Just that, it always clashed on me. With the integration of all Google products and introducing "One Policy, one Google experience", I felt my privacy is not that private and I was being observing like seen from CCTV. Anyway, Chrome is great, just that I did not really get it from this Tanjore.


Audi - LED Headlights

An Audi advert featured its LED headlights as powerful as sunlight by killing all those stupid, hippie vampires. Well done, wasn't it? To me, vampires are not that lame, but then it was quite a good fun to laugh about.


Google Maps - Start Here

这是谷歌一则赏心悦目的广告,产品是Google Maps。Google是大家都很喜欢用的品牌,好像不需要怎样特大广告作宣传,只要产品本身很好用就足以一传十、十传百。应该是谷歌要强力推荐大家用手机使用,所以很致力推出这广告告诉大家Google Maps是一个很有趣的apps。其实,我最喜欢的,是那个供人操纵的地仪。花多少时间造成呢?很适合我想要收集的艺术品。
"Sometimes getting there can be half the fun. Use Google Maps to explore your world and get to your destination on time". That was the line, Google Maps, Start here. With a suitable soundtrack, plus the aesthetic wonderful toy that made the ad, it was easily being liked by many. I am very curious about the mobile phone shown in the advert, as it is brandless, though I wish to get a Samsung Nexus.


5 Friends Song

这首5 Friends Song是5 Friends系列宣传的宣传曲。比起之前那两则反讽呼吁广告,显然其激励作用不及前两个。但是,总的来说,整个5friendsvote的宣传做得很棒,鼓励大家将这讯息传给朋友,以达到全民投票。希望我们的国家有更好的未来!
Even though I believed that it take times for things to change, but for this 5 Friends Vote campaign, I just liked this line: It's only one day in your life to make things right. I wish there are hopes for my country.

5 More Friends

This sequel advert is to ask people to go vote on Nov 4th and I had to say this advert had a bigger, stronger effect on me. It brought up the alerts of 'one vote does not count' and why people were voting. A fact were brought up that 537 people decided the result of 2000 election. Seriously, I was moved and we ought to go vote!

5 Friends

不要去投票 ?从开始就知道这广告是在反讽。一大班明星呼吁大家不要投票,这不是美国明星会做的事情。虽然一开始就知道他们其实要叫美国公民去注册投票,但是看了之后,还是有被激励的冲动,觉得我必须去注册(其实我很早已经注册了)。我很欣赏他们可以用很平民的口语,甚至带有fuck、what the fuck...的字眼。最后,大家呼吁大家将这则讯息传送给5个朋友。我觉得这才是真正的作用,因为如果我是一般普通美国公民,我一定会将它发给其他朋友。所以,身为马来西亚公民的朋友,大选即将到来,你们注册了吗?
This video was uploaded by 5friendsvote on Oct 1, 2008. I watched it a few weeks ago, and now it is 2012. This video is to ask people register to vote via a sarcasm of telling people "do not vote". At the end, all superstars asked audience to register and they could wait for them to do that, plus advise audience to send to 5 friends. Actually, I liked this mechanic - send to your friends, like a viral spread. If this advert was for my own country, I already had been moved to register. Well done!


Pakatan Rakyat - CNY2012 Advert

This is a CNY 2012 advert from Pakatan Rakyat (民联). The names of all three top leaders have good meanings in Chinese character. Anwar starts with "An"(安) . "Ping An"(平安) in Chinese means safe, peaceful or harmony. Kit Siang(吉祥) means auspicious. And Hadi Awang ends with "Wang"(旺) which means good luck. So the Pakatan Rakyat combination will bring harmony, auspicious and good luck to all Malaysians!


Nolan's Cheddar - Seriously Strong


Funny, and you know it. Click here to see some of the best tv adverts.


Skittles - Climax

说真的,我觉得这则广告有些无聊。可是在一开始的时候,我是被“banned ad”这字眼所吸引才看的。我不是不喜欢,只是觉得,好像少了些什么,同时嫌它不够尽兴(要干就干到底嘛)。既然已经来到这个地步,不如就干到底,再来些更“激”的情节/镜头,让大家在笑的同时,也觉得莞尔。
Seriously, every time I read the words "banned ad", I had a huge interest of watching it. In fact, anything labeled with uncensored, banned... would instantly create a rush for me to find out, so was this. Well, at the end, I knew why it was banned, still my "hope" was killed by my over-curiosity. No matter what, I still liked the tagline - Skittles, taste the rainbow.


Adidas Originals - Move It On

Adidas纪念三片叶标志40年,也适逢2012奥运会,展现奥运五环颜色,推出了这则宣传广告。片中的主角是亚裔人,而且上载到youtube的标题也附有中文,这是我出奇的地方。说真的,看了之后没让我留下深刻印象,只有些许‘酷’的感觉。我本身很喜欢看关于运动商品的广告,到目前印象最深刻的依然是Nike在世界杯Write The Future的广告,片子真的很精彩。虽然如此,说道商品呢,我还是喜欢Adidas多于Nike。
This time, Adidas Originals wanna "celebrate 40 years of the trefoil with originals new year surprise". It changes colours with the colours of Olympics. It's kind of cool, and we should expect more of those adverts to welcome Olympics 2012. By the way, I really liked this previous advert: Star Wars™ Cantina 2010, that was really cool. But then I do not really like this Adidas Denim, I felt a bit wrong.


Property Advert - 92 Savoy Drive

After watching this property advert, 92 Savoy Drive become a naked private drive to me. It is so great to have a home as huge as it shown. It is totally cozy to have this property. A private pool party would be absolutely convenient and convincing!


Let Calcutta Surprise You

还记得小时看电影时那些机器你心中壮志凌云的感觉吗?看了这套宣传短片Let Calcutta Surprise You,那配乐激发我我这份情怀。这部动画的概念来自“手指皮影戏”,用手指呈现印度加尔各答的城市魅力。虽然音乐在接近尾声时失去了那什么的,但是那个起头很好,再编入一些很印度的管乐,让我感动。
I guess it is just me. I like things in black and white. I like simple things, simple idea, that lead us to a rich feeling. I will call it, simple and nice, just like this short animation - Let Calcutta Surprise You. Enjoy.
Client: YPO, Calcutta Chapter
Producer/Director: Priyanka Rungta, supported by Arka Bhattacharyya, Navsoft
Creative Agency: 100 Watts Design Studio
Branding, Art Direction & Copy: Kritika Malhotra
Production House: Arko Sen


Faye Wong - Wish

在山水之間 有一份信念 是靜默無言
在佛塔之間 有一條經幡 是為你掛牽
在聚散之間 有一劫宿緣 是無常善變
在你我之間 有一縷思念 是魂繞夢牽
此生 上路 哪怕天絕地穿
只願 途中 能再與你相見
Asia super diva Faye Wong performed a new song called "Wish" during 2011/2012 New Year Eve Hunan Satelite TV concert. It's a smoothing song to ease our mind. At this new year, please continue to have faith, do not lost hope, keep calm and carry on, wish good wishes everyday, the positive energy could make us better. Wish you all a very happy new year!