
Skittles - Climax

说真的,我觉得这则广告有些无聊。可是在一开始的时候,我是被“banned ad”这字眼所吸引才看的。我不是不喜欢,只是觉得,好像少了些什么,同时嫌它不够尽兴(要干就干到底嘛)。既然已经来到这个地步,不如就干到底,再来些更“激”的情节/镜头,让大家在笑的同时,也觉得莞尔。
Seriously, every time I read the words "banned ad", I had a huge interest of watching it. In fact, anything labeled with uncensored, banned... would instantly create a rush for me to find out, so was this. Well, at the end, I knew why it was banned, still my "hope" was killed by my over-curiosity. No matter what, I still liked the tagline - Skittles, taste the rainbow.

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