
Sunday Preview - A Little French

说真的,我经常在看预告时就很喜欢该部电影。可不是每一步电影都是如此。这是一部加拿大法语电影 《Café de Flore 》(花神咖啡馆)Jean-Marc Vallée执导。一个故事发生在60年代的巴黎,单亲妈妈的唐氏症孩子爱上另一个唐氏症女孩。另外一个故事发生在现代的蒙特利尔,一个男人和离婚妻子和现任新欢有纠缠不清的关系;而其实,他们是前世今生。预告用上了Sigur Ros的音乐,所以特别吸引我。

单看法国电影《La Guerre est Declaree》 (战争已宣)的预告,就已经很有冲动想要冲进戏院。影片讲述当代年轻情侣面临孩子患重病的考验,他们不但为了孩子而战斗下去,同时也为了他们的人生而战斗下去。故事取材自真人真事,也由当事人扮演故事的角色,他们是导演兼女主角Valérie Donzelli和男主角Jérémie Elkaïm。本片获得了很高评价,同时也报名84届奥斯卡外语片。导演大玩电影技巧,用了许多配乐和感人moment让大家惊喜,并感觉片中大家都很想感受到的活力。

Jean-Marc Vallée's Cafe de Flore is quite a complicated story. The fact is, I like Venessa Paradis. It explored the human relationship in different times, different places. It took a lifetime, perhaps another lifetime. Gosh, It sounded depressing. But from what the trailer showed, it was quite depressing.

I watched the trailer of Valerie Donzeli's second feature film "Declaration of War" and I already felt the vitality that made me the rush to watch this film. It is about a contemporary couple who fight for their child's life and also their own lives. It was not a documentary, but in real life, they had a child who was ill. It should be inspiring and tearful.

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