
H&M X Marni

Marni将和H&M将在3月推出合作系列,如果你是Marni的粉丝肯定会此疯狂。其实我应该说,如果你是H&M的粉丝,而且又很爱Marni的话(好像我),就会对此感到很兴奋。这则广告由Sofia Coppola操刀,配乐有些类似王家卫的风格,故事和画面其实还蛮Sofia的。本来就已经很想到摩洛哥游玩,看了这广告,真的好想去哟!
Sofia Coppola is good at stories of young girls, such as her movie Virgin Suicide and Marie Antoinette. So watching this H&M X Marni advert is no stranger at all, it felt like Sofia's style. Morocco is an exotic place I always wanted to visit. The song Avalon by Brian Ferry is a great song for this ad!

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