
Memrise - I Love You

要用很多种不同语言说出‘我爱你’不是什么太过新鲜的点子,可是这短片拍得很自然,特能有那种温馨的感觉,大家的反应很配合。当然拍摄地点是在大都会伦敦,有很多不同种族的人在那里生活。能够听见大家说一句歌子的I Love You真是觉得很温馨。这视频是我在今年情人节所看之中最让我感觉美好的(其实也没有什么空档看其它的)。

No matter how diffrent we say "I Love You" in our own languages, the feeling is same, it comes from a great intention of showing loves. How's lovely. Languages are fun to learn and especially in London, we could hear many diffrent languages at one place, like in a bus trip. Love is beautiful, and on Valentine's day, everyone should express loves. I LOVE YOU!