
Harvey Nichols - The Stone House

看了Harvey Nichols的圣诞广告,我接着再看这部短片《The Stone House》。流行服装的广告/短片和一般的广告很不一样。上次的广告有一个很重要的信息,就是Harvey Nichols要女人们不要feel ashamed。可是这部短片就是完全很流行服装的语言:影像一定要很吸引,不必详细的故事情节,一些场景,一些音乐来营造氛围。我没有觉得做这个或做那个有什么可以不可以,但是我们必须知道不管走哪个方向,我们都要努力做出好作品。
After the Christmas advert of Harvey Nichols, I watched this "Stone House" by Harvey Nichols. It was a short film with a man and a woman wearing elegant and beautiful clothes in the stone house, with no storyline. As a matter of fact, I would prefer it has a more obvious story, so that I could remember it easier.


Nando Adverts - Funny Series


This series of Nando's adverts are more funny, they are kind of pure hilarious. Overall, Nando's gives an impression of happy and affordable eating out. With some adverts going those political issues are best to enhance its image, as everybody else is going funny as well. Check out these: Where's My Chips?, Try New Things?, Ramadan, I Win I Eat the Chicken.

Nando's Adverts - Political Series


I had good laugh with all these Nando's advert. I admired its daring about politics and corruption. I found Nando's chicken was quite a decent meal with quite affordable price. And these series of Nando's adverts had deepened these impressions. As a matter of fact, that would be super funny with all these people cahnge to Malaysian characters, I guess all Malaysians could relate to it. Click these links for other adverts: Caught Speeding, Jacob Zuma, Last Dictator Standing.


Arts, Houben, Boogaard - Page 23

这部短片《Page 23》看起来像一本宜家杂志,概念很新很富想象力,我可惜剧本没什么张力。虽然如此,我还是很佩服,因为整部片子必须在48小时内完成。这个短片计划叫做48小时电影计划。团队将在星期五晚收到提示,接着的48小时必须完成整部电影。详情请浏览The 48 Hour Film Project
Page 23 is a short film by Tim Arts, Jeroen Houben, and Stefan van den Boogaard. It was done under the 48 Hour Film Project. On Friday night, the team was given a character, a prop, a line of dialogue and a genre to be included in the movie. Write, shoot, edit and score all in a 48-hour weekend. It was kind of fun, I guessed. As for Page 23, I thought the idea is awesome, but the script was a bit unclear, as I did not know what exactly was the message in the ending. But it was done within 48 hours, I had to say, Bravo!


Yuna - Come As You Are

马来歌手Yuna翻唱Nirvana的Come As You Are。她的声音实在让人难以置信!很赞!像天籁之音一样动听美妙。好久没有听见这种声音了,所以特别为之动心。她的诠释带着颓废的感觉,唱腔很特别。还有一首很好听的歌叫Decorate。听完了,我可以睡觉了。

Harvel Nichols Christmas Advert 2011

Adverts that play with serious social context, most likely will have a bigger response, such as Benetton. This 2011, Harvey Nichols featured the "The Walk of Shame" for its Christmas advert. Y'know, spend a crazy night, perhaps one-night-stand, and wake up in the morning, go home with inappropriate wear and attract uncomfortable stares. At the end, it suggested that Harvey Nichols womenswear will make you feel proud instead of shameful. The context is still considered light. Check out this Nando's Christmas Advert "Last Dictator Standing" which touched on the political context, from a chained restaurant, great message!
初次看这广告感觉没什么。渐渐地那些社会对我们留下的印象慢慢在浮现。在英国,inappropriate会遭人白眼。 在不同场合就应该穿上适合该场合的服饰,如果穿的不妥当,会很快得到人家的目光,虽然短暂,但依然是横扫过来的目光。所以这个广告的强处,在于它将社会的目光融入服装。一套好的服装,会让生活变得有尊严?虽然不尽其实,但是,至少表面上,我们可以逃过别人横扫过来的目光。广告中所投射的女人,都是在清晨穿着昨晚暴露性感的晚装匆匆回家,显得狼狈万分。好像英国的女人都是寂寞万分的,就靠那些一夜情激起花火,却要承受第二天清晨回家的狼狈。到广告的最后,女人穿着漂亮(不必拉高拉底),还和早上值班的邮差打招呼才走进自己的公寓。这算什么?衣服好看一点、光鲜一些其实可以掩饰昨晚的狼狈?所以人须靠衣装!


Big Ideas Start Small



China Advert - 7Up

These advert series of 7Up is long yet very funny. It was the funniest China advert I have ever since and made me laugh like an idiot. How come they had so much time to elaborate, but then I really love this funny and laugh until you cant stop laughing advert. 没什么能够可以补充,就是太尽兴了!超赞的笑料。


Thai Advert - Hatari & Saving

To me, Thai culture is always closer, and I am more familiar. At the same time, I am very curious, perhaps mostly I do not really understand. I admire its exaggeration and humour, that makes it unique and distinct. I guess, I just need to try harder.


Raindance - It's A Movie

It is an ad for 14th Raindance Film Festival: It's a movie. You should do something.


Adele - Set Fire To The Rain

Amy Winehouse之后,我觉得Adele就是传奇了。《21》才第二章专辑就有很好的成绩。她的嗓音很不经意让我想起EllaFitzgerald。很喜欢她在这表演中的发型,让头发爆炸一下很适合她现在的暴红状况。这专辑中的Someone Like You依然是我的最爱。点击看Someone Like You音乐录影。

Japanese Adverts - Fanta & Tokyo Gas

always adore Japanese culture. I feel very curious and perhaps I like the weirdness in it as well. The weirdness shows certain level of exaggeration, which I like. Just like this advert Fanta, it was presented in a very contradicted way, showing the social perception. The following advert is Tokyo Gas, it is one of those typical Japanese culture I have in mind since the popular era of Japanese series and culture. These two ads give a different impression yet, still very Japanese. And I like it.


Alex ft Jane - If I Could Turn It Back

This feature song, "If I Could Turn It back" is a perfect melancholy as an OST for Korean movie Late Autumn. It was a duet by Alex and Jane, yet the title printed "Alex ft. Jane". Alex is the Alex Chu from Clazziquai and Jane is a singer-songwriter. It is a sad song yet beautiful and it is a tear-bomb song.

Sunday Preview - Korean Romance

Late AutumnCome Rain Come Shine
Korea rising star Hyun Bin has two recent love movies. The first is Come Rain Come Shine by director Lee Yoon-Ki. The splitting couple was stuck in the house by the huge rain and then spent their last day there reminiscing those old days. The second is Late Autumn by director Kim Tae-Yong, it is a remake of a 1960s movie with same-name. It is an enchanting tale of two unlikely misfits who meet and fall in love. So this time, let's get a taste of Korean romance. Watch Come Rain, Come Shine Trailer.


Solvil et Titus - It Takes Times to Understand Love

看了很细腻的铁达时2011版Time Is Love广告,我再看去年2010年版的Time Is Love。广告最后的主题是“唯有时间。让爱,更了解爱”。如果要做一个比较,我会比较喜欢2011年的“这三年间”,因为我实在觉得广告案子拍得很好之余,而且也和品牌比较相关,也更能带出品牌的‘时间性’。这则广告就很纯粹说两人的相遇然后到分手,感觉上产品置入也做得比较勉强。片子也是拍得非常有水准,背景音乐则用上“我愿意”。说真的,选一首好歌,真有画龙点睛的效果。如果我可以比较自由用乐就好了。
After watching the Solvil et Titus Time Is Love advert of 2011, I watched this Time Is Love from 2010. The advert tell the story of encounters of two lovers and it died out along the times. At the end, it says 'it takes times to understand love'. Then in the shorter Christmas version, they missed each other, but at the end, we all knew what they got for Christmas presents. Click here to view the Christmas version.


Solvil et Titus - These Three Years

今天FB朋友在网上分享这则铁达时Time Is Love电视广告“这三年间”,看了感觉很舒服,感觉也很类似台湾广告的感觉(这样说好像台湾特能干出这种创意点子。说真的,也真是台湾才能如此)。这个4分钟版广告我看了几次,也看得很细。整个过程处理的很细腻。片子中那个已经离开的“男人”看起来特有品味:黑胶、漫画、单车、篮球、情信...这简直传说中濒临绝种超有品味的直男。到最后,虽然大家知道卖的产品就是手表,但是大家对这手表的品牌价值肯定因这则广告而觉得那是非常值得珍藏的产品。还有,梅艳芳那首《似水流年》给了片子很对位的feel。再说,这广告的文案写得很到位,很好!
FB friends shared this advert today. It is called "These Three Years" from Solvil et Titus 'Time Is Love' series adverts. Obviously this series is about love and relationship, I am sure even without translation, non-Chinese audience will understand the idea. Times by times as she sold off those stuff to a recycle shop, those things belonged to her 'ex', or someone who had left. It take her very long time (three years) to get rid of 'him'. When she slowly got rid of his staff, the man of the shop slowly had feeling for her. Time is love, and love need times t solidified. Such a feel-good advert!


Project Wise

The Project Wise was launched recently. As the Malay Idiom goes, “Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan”, which means prepare an umbrella before rain. How wise. One of the well-known call-to-action is “#1. Switch off the lights when not in use”. Since last year, my family no longer entertains “switch off lights for an hour”, as throughout the year we have been switching off the lights whenever possible. So I fully support this campaign, actually we should practise that not only until Dec2012, but every possible moment in life. Let’s SAVE! And SAVE the planet.


HSBC - 那些年



Meet Uncle Hussain - Pokok

Meet Uncle Hussain is a Malaysia rock band. I have listened to their song before and this song, named "Pokok" (tree) is a song I particularly fond of. Malay is such a beautiful language. I guess now is the best time for me to polish my Malay, hopeful all my colleagues speak Malay to me.
今天毗邻的同事请假,他却让我突然想起这首Meet Uncle Hussain的Pokok。有一段时间我很恋印尼的马来歌,在埋怨为何马来西亚没有move我的流行摇滚歌曲。就是这首Pokok (树),让我再次爱上马来歌曲。chorus这样唱着:问树为何摇曳,答说是风在摇曳。因为这份工作,我又在一个口操很多马来语的环境挑战前途。我喜欢马来语,我希望借此机会我的马来语会进步。还有,我很怀念大学日子,因为那时我有两个要好的同窗,一男一女,现在失散了。他们每一次都回笑我说的马来语,但是又很喜欢和我做朋友。希望他们和我一样喜欢Pokok。

Samsung - The Next Big Thing



Michael Bublé - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

美丽的圣诞节快要到了。各大百货已经在装潢圣诞。我一直这样认为,圣诞节最经典的专辑,应该是Nat King Cole的《The Christmas Song》,像是大家应该就在圣诞节播的专辑。说真的,实在太经典了。但是,今年,我们还有Michael Bublé的《Christmas》 ,里头也是收录了最最经典的圣诞歌。以他的天赋之音,这个圣诞,除了经典,还可以是很摩登的经典。A Must for shopping list。


沈志煒 - 玩笑

A song by Tezuka Shinjan called 玩笑 (joke). It talks about the room become so empty when the loved one has gone and how much he wishes that this is just a joke. When someone leaves, we do not believe it thoroughly and thought that it is just a joke. But when we realise all those things that we are so used to have all gone, we slowly realise it is all gone, and it is no longer a joke.

Kasikorn Bank SME - Cookies Boy


Get Up! - It's Time

It is simple yet very nice. When we think of loves, any kind of loves, all should be the same. We all savor the sweet moment and romance. As a matter of fact, loves should be very lively, unbored and always put us on smiles. It's time, to get up!

这广告用了一个简单的方法,就是将镜头等同当事人的眼睛。所以反而大家不知道这个当事人是谁,只看见他眼睛看见的事情,反而这样观众对此片发生了兴趣:到底他是谁?当然故事来到最后大家都知道他是谁。把片子的剧情安排好,配上这音乐(Oliver Tank - Last Night I Heard Everything in Slow Motion),就有如此效果。


Wii Christmas Advert 2011

至少这个广告讲中了现代城市文明的要害,就是过节是一项很闷的事情。除了食物,如果佳节没有电视、电脑、智能手机......那将是一个很boring的节日。所以Wii就做住这个点子,告诉大家,如果你没有Wii,你的圣诞将会很沉闷,门得如果整家人聚在一起,也没有话题只是想睡觉而以。这正是所谓文明人的通病,我们太依赖电器所带来的欢乐。这个年头好像没有人喜欢面对面交谈良久的美好时光。我不知道要如何,但是我应该属于比较传统的人。我喜欢面对面的真实接触,我喜欢和人真的在一起,就算很少说话也行。我不能只通过网络联系感情,就如我不能享受internet sex一样。要来就来真的吧!


Argos Christmas Advert 2011



Coca Cola Christmas Advert 2011

说真的,我没有真正做过圣诞节的电视广告,但是如果有机会开始,可能我会从最简单的案子着手,例如,只要那些能够将圣诞的美好感觉呈现出来就是我要做的第一步。电台有几项圣诞广告案子要找,应该也算是圣诞广告了。我就是想把圣诞的那种温馨和气氛给再次呈现出来。就像这则可口可乐的圣诞广告,用首可以激起气氛的歌曲,加插画面,就可呈现圣诞感觉,虽没新意,也不算草草了事。(点击看Coca-Cola Summer Commercial 2011)


Morrisons Christmas Advert 2011



Bad Meets Evil ft. Bruno Mars - Lighters

只抱着像Bruno Mars对满天星光的黯淡期待。
It's a sky full of lighters,

John Lewis Christmas Advert 2011

Out of all Christmas adverts of retail, John Lewis' is still the one which caught my attention most. It is not something extraordinary new, yet it set up a traditional twist and I fell for it. It magnified the "waiting' moment but then it had a good twist. Again, to live a middle-class life as portraited in the advert is not an easy job.
John Lewis是目前为止在今年我看见的最感人英国零售百货圣诞广告。不是说Mark & Spencer星光灿烂不好,只是这John Lewis的广告更重要害,因为广告直接和客户的产品挂钩,所产生的情绪很直接和公司品牌产生关系。片中的童星也真会选,并不是那种演技派的,而是很自然就可以流露出天真的表情,而且他普通得来像一般孩子一样。选角就是要这样吧。我看了很多次,我也知道,来到尾声那一幕,我才知道其转折。


Mark & Spencer Christmas Advert 2011

这是我第一次几乎看遍英国零售百货公司的圣诞广告。这是到后来的后来,我才发现Mark & Spencer用了X Factor决赛入围歌手作为圣诞广告的招牌,还唱了这首动听的“When You Wish Upon A Star”。X Factor在英国还算大件事,犹如美国的American Idol,很能激起群体国民意识。这支广告做得星光灿烂,可这其中的赞助费用我不敢想象。经济状况都已经很不良好了,这应该算是豪迈的一掷。
It's always great with a team of stars to bright up your advert, that goes fantastic with Mark & Spencer's Christmas advert 2011. All the X Factor finalists singing "When You Wish Upon A Star" is such adorable and making M&S starry. A great advert cannot go without a touching music. Just that it has not yet triggered my emotion to rush to the store.

Sunday Preview - Snow White

最近很凑巧有两部根据白雪公主改编的电影。首先,我看了《Snow White and the Huntsman》的预告。制作看起来很像好莱坞的大片,还标着“from the producer of Alice in the Wonderland”。Charlize Theron饰演的女王很有气势,Chris Hemsworth饰演的Huntsmen也还ok,只是局的Kristen Stewart饰演的白雪公主有些怪怪的感觉,感觉上白雪公主至纯无邪的气质在她身上找不到。但是无疑的,这是我期待的电影之一。另一部是《Mirror Mirror》,由Julia Roberts饰演恶毒女王,但是这一部反而是比较comedy,由Julia Roberts来诠释应该很好笑。
Oh brilliant! there are two Snow-White movies this coming spring and summer. Spring is Mirror Mirror, then summer is Snow White and the Huntsman. I first watched the trailer of Snow White and the Huntsman, by Rupert Sanders. It seemes like a big production with war scenes and such. And the queen by Charlize Theron is fantastic. Then I watched Mirror Mirror by Tarsem Singh, gosh, it is a more comedic movie and yes, I would love to see it and have a good laugh.


Slow Moving Millie - Please, Please, Please

前几天看了英国John Lewis百货公司的圣诞广告,广告中的曲子来自Slow Moving Millie的Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want。Slow Moving Millie是艺名,那个女歌手叫Amelia Warner,来自英国Herefordshire。说真的,她这首歌和John Lewis的广告是绝配!她的另一首Beast被用在Virgin Media Advert


Lose Your Belly Fast



Glee - Rumour Has It / Someone Like You

Adele的魅力实在是无法招架。很多歌星都有cover她的歌。Glee在这里一次过cover了Adele的Rumour Has It和Someone Like You。只是这一次,Glee将Someone Like You混进了Rumour Has It里头,无疑是一种很适合在台上表演的歌曲,变成一种可以边唱边跳的表演舞曲,实在也精彩。虽然很多人说原汁原味好,但是,如果是翻唱得话,如果还是原汁原味,不如我听原唱者的更好。


David Guetta ft Sia - Titanium

I am bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium


Jay Chou - Exclamation Mark

Jay Chou's latest album Exclamation Mark is now released! I particularly love this track 水手怕水 Sailor Afraids of Water. Track List: 1) Exclamation Mark 2) Ecstasy Song 3) Mine Mine 4) Princess Sickness 5) How Are You? 6) Healing Dumpling 7) Wounded Piano 8) Sailor Afraid of Water 9) End of the World Yet 10) Shadow Play 11) Super Run Goddess.

Sunday Preview - Let's Greek

这部希腊电影《To Tango ton Hristougennon》(The Christmas Tango, 圣诞探戈)由电视导演Nikos Koutelidakis执导,改编自Yiannis Xanthoulis的小说。故事发生在圣诞节,一名老将遇上一名年轻人,勾出1970年发生过的刻骨铭心,故事周旋在害羞兵士、严峻中尉、陆军上校和她妻子之间。继《Dogtooth》,导演Yorgos Lanthimos有另一部风格怪诞的电影《Alps》。故事讲述一家公司提供特别服务,让失去亲人的伤心人聘请暂时替代失去的人。希腊电影,开始在出征世界版图。
I watched a trailer named The Christmas Tango. It is a Greek film directed by Nikos Koutelidakis, and adapted from Yannis Xanthoulis' fiction. It is best to be shown during Christmas time, as the story started from a Christmas day, an encounter of a 65 years old lieutenant and a bashful soldier dancing tango. The is a nice and simple e-description about The Christmas Day, click here. Dogtooth director Yorgos Lanthimos' new film Alps is as eccentric as Dogtooth. The film is about a service offering stasnd-ins for the recent deceased. It is dark and black humour.


Xperia Play - Lady Cop Kristen

At first I thought this ad was lame.

Xperia Play- Pwnage

Then it caught my attention when I saw the second one.

Xperia Play - Kristen is killing it

I started to think, it was quite a fun campaign to execute.

Xperia Play - Kristennetsirk

Slowly I understood, because of Kristen Schaal, it worked.

Xperia Play - Kittenliscious

At last, I think this one is funny :) and I had a good laugh.




Skating with Sony Xperia Neo

这广告很长。点子很简单,只是用手机当成自己的眼睛然后滑板。其实,也没什么大不了,也真的不怎么酷。我看了,还是觉得Samsung那个unleash your fingers超酷的。

Nokia N9 Journey

Again, watching those mobile advertising, I felt they are all becoming movie, which means, doing a commercial, unlike the previous time, as if we are making a movie to please the audience. Audience's senses must be entertained, only then we will get full attention from them, to essentially make an little move of interest into it. It his challenging more than ever.


Samsung Mobile - Unleash Your Finger

现在做广告好像拍电影一样要让观众感觉爽,或要娱乐观众才引起关注。一句tagline是不够的,文字的力量不够多样化/多媒体化(或者文字的呈现方式也要很多媒体化)。什么以前人家说独特的广告是别的牌子取代不了你的牌子,就是人家的牌子挤不进你的广告里。可是就看这则Samsung Mobile的广告,谁说其它牌子的手机挤不进去取代它?从前那些所谓的广告原理都好像的面临时代严峻的考验。就像这则广告,融合了人纯属的技巧,动画和音乐,就是看得够爽。


Wonder Girls - Be My Baby

Wonder Girls第二张专辑的首发单曲“Be My Baby”MV上载了!虽然黑白feel有些像Beyonce之前的MV,但是她们的魅力很吸引!这张专辑叫《Wonder World》收录12首歌曲,好期待哟!
Wonder Girls are back with their second album! It was reported that they are having Jonte, Beyonce's choreographer on the team for this album, no WONDER! Super!


Radical Face - Welcome Home

我在看以上视频时,发觉那首歌非常熟悉。我听过,我也因为这音乐感动过。可是我好像不记得我在哪里听过。然后我找出这首歌的一些资料,歌名叫Welcome Home,由Radical Face主唱。听这首歌,所有的神经都为之精神,很有激发的效果。就是那些能激起生活涟漪的音乐和节奏。希望你也能和我一样给这些生命的音乐感动,然后继续好好活下去。
I wish you are thrilled listening to this song. I have some memories of knowing this song before but I do not remember. But then, things come back slowly. it was I AM NIKON, that I know I was thrilled because of the music and the visual.


Rihanna - We Found Love

We Found Love是雷哈娜最新专辑《Talk That Talk》中的首打单曲。Rihanna太爷厉害了吧,我比她大整10年,在这个周末晚我感觉有些无地自容(我总是会做一些无谓的比较)。这首MV有很特别的开场白,可是MV越看下去,越像两个在磕药的年轻男女的恋爱。只是,MV让我回想起一些英国的日子。


No-Life Lunch Menu

Lunch @ Kafeteria Sri Pentas


If you consider to save up from all those office lunches, the canteen attached to a company is normally a good choice. I love the word canteen. If you break it up, it become "can" and "teen". Can teen! As if I could go back to those teeny youth.


Nuit Blanche - Arev Manoukian

这是spyfilms2009上载的片子,感觉和Sony 3D Two Worlds的广告点子一模一样,但是显然这个的感觉太强了。这是将某个moment放大放慢的感觉,完全靠视觉效果和音乐。可是,拍得真得太好了,那是每个人都想拥有的冲动。是的,就是那种不管一切的冲动,那是我一直在寻找的冲动。


Coldplay - Hurts Like Heaven


Slimming Coffee NatureGift



Above & Beyond feat. Zoë Johnston - You Got To Go

屠妖节晚去了看英国DJ队Above & Beyond来KL推盘,是他们的Group Therapy Tour。本来很想在家睡觉,最后还是给朋友拖去了。DJ Simon和DJ Terrence后,才到Above & Beyond,我几乎都已经打瞌睡。但是,他们一接手推盘,我即刻精神为之一振!太强了,强到可以推掉我的睡意。他们的音乐属于trance/ progressive trance。请马上看以上视频!然后投入节奏。
This Deepavali was not just an sleeping holiday for me. I went out at night with mates for the Above & Beyond's Group Therapy Tour at KL Live Centre. It was absolutely exciting, I loved the beat. They always type on some words on the big screen, which was brilliant to connect the crowd, as the crowd will went crazy seeing those messages. It was a total fun Deepavali.

Sunday Preview - Horror Halloween

万圣节期间有很多鬼片和吓人的片子上映。这套《The Devil Inside》(心中的恶魔)应该是超恐怖的吧。一个母亲鬼上身遭驱魔不成,长大了的女儿去寻找母亲并要救她,于是...预告片看得很吓人,在戏院看会很恐怖的,我一定会遮眼睛。另外一部恐怖片是《11.11.11》,说的是在第11月第11天11时11分将会有另一种灵异从另一个空间进入地球。预告片也是超恐怖的。这个万圣节,大家就来些horror吧!
There are two horror movies this Halloween. It's extremely scary. the first one is The Devil Inside. It is about exorcism but this one makes people feeling tense even by watching the trailer. The other is 11.11.11, a date of horror that marks the arriving of other evils. Click here and watch the 11.11.11 trailer.


Tesco Homeplus in South Korea



Sony - Don't Just Watch. Feel.

这广告排的很美,美得我没有听清楚旁白。我完成不知道其实到底发生什么事情,只知道好像有巨大的万有引力将这男女给拉在一起。就这样美丽的画面,我都不在意对白。最后看见:Sony - Don't Just Watch. Feel。这个tagline真的很重要吗?


Feist - The Circle Married The Line

加拿大唱作才华歌手Feist出了最新专辑《Metals》。她的嗓音应该很少人会不喜欢吧。这叫做天赐之音,真像天使般的声音。专辑中,我最喜欢这首The Circle Married The Line,很能激起自省的动力。说她要寻找地平线,让自己看得更清楚。请在晚上时一个人静静地欣赏,慢慢去体会生后给你带来的意义。
Feist again amazes us with her latest album Metals. Her vocal is angelic. I love this song very much - The Circle Married The Line, as well as A Commotion and Bittersweet Melodies. She is not what we presume as 1,2,3,4-alike, she is always a surprise.


Rihanna - California King Bed

Rihanna's latest album Talk That Talk is out this coming November, This is the single, California King Bed, from album Loud. The album Loud is a success since last year. This MV was uploaded on May 6, 2011, and I saw it a few day ago. A slow burner love song for me, so Rihanna's vocal is kind of everything in this single. I just could not understand that the title could be as it is.

The School of Life

无意中在网上发现的生活学校。应该说,到这所学校学习如何生活。点子非常有趣,而且对症下药。这正是现代虚弱的我们所需要的。我已经不再相信大学学术派,跟社会地球越扯越远。生活中有许多事情值得我们学习。The School of Life提供的课程包括如何平衡工作与生活、如何面对死亡、如何酷、如何找到你爱死的工作、如何谈得更愉快、如何享受你的身体......其中还包括所谓的购书治疗(Bibliotherapy)、精神治疗(Psychotherapy)等等,就请赶快浏览 http://www.theschooloflife.com


Coldplay - Paradise



Woody Allen - Midnight in Paris

巴黎肯定是超吸引人的,每个人都想去的浪漫之都。很多关于巴黎的电影都让我着迷,更让我有冲动向在此飞到巴黎。我看了今年康城影展的开幕电影《Midnight in Paris》(午夜巴黎)。说白了,这其实就是撞鬼的故事。到了午夜,一个美国作者撞鬼,不只如此,他撞见的是20年代的鬼。那个时代的文化、服饰和氛围真的好迷人。影片中的服装设计很华丽,巴黎的夜景很美。除了那些,这只不过是另一部Woody Allen的电影。
A Woody Allen's film with starry casts is absolutely interesting, but it seemed to me as another film from the director. I love the costume design most, they are pretty and fantastic. Of course, the actors and actresses are very attractive. After all, it show the beautiful side of Paris, and Paris in midnight is really beautiful.


Cecile Corbel - Arrietty's Song

等了好久终于有机会看米林宏昌执导、宮崎駿编剧的动画片《借りぐらしのアリエッティ》(借物少女艾莉缇)。这故事改编自英国作家Mary Norton的小说《The Borrowers》。故事很简单,就叙说小人国在人类的世界其实是借物者。每当他们被发现,他们就得搬迁。如果是宮崎駿迷,这是绝对不能错过的好片。

Finally I have watched the long-awaited animation The Borrower Arrietty trailer. Again I am amazed by the story and the details of the animation. The soundtrack is a bonus, with Cecile Corbel dreamy angelic music, it magnify the tiny little world of Arrietty. Satisfied.


Hornet vs Bees



The Antlers - I Don't Want Love

周日晚很迟睡。睡3小时后起身去上班。本来以为今天在公司又是行尸走肉过一天。除了早上时分一直不停打瞌睡,接下来的时间我还能提起精神去干事。难道是年纪大了,睡眠可以减少?我好像不相信这回事(因我很爱睡)。周一经常都是最惨、最难过的日子。因为周末不但没有补眠,而且还超支。这个星期一还算神奇。现在打算睡觉,却没有睡意。不过写完了这篇,我应该会去睡觉。我已经养成了那种只要有机会躺下来睡意就立刻产生的神奇。我就是一直在听这首The Antlers的I Don't Want Love,感觉轻轻地漂浮,脑袋开始抛空。就是这种感觉,我入眠时将会忘掉今日的烦躁。

When I was watching the trailer of Weekend, the background music is familiar. I thought, I knew this song, I listened to it before, but I could not recall the names. Later I found out it was 'I Don't Want Love', the first track from The Antlers' latest album Burst Apart. Honestly, when I found a song I like so much from an album, I would keep listening to it and tend to forget others. The song that I like most (from Burst Apart) was Hound. Yet, It was never too late to look back and found something extraordinary.


David Guetta - Without You (ft. Usher)

... ...
又一次,大卫库塔将派队欢乐的精神注入这首Without You。他的音乐,就是能够带你去一处虑过烦恼的天堂,大家就纯粹来一次共舞派对。他的beat,就是起着这种作用。就像MV中的男女在共舞欢乐,全世界都连在一起。就像这样的派对,我向往。

David Guetta did it again. This song, Without You, featuring Usher, is a universal party music. Despite our colours, our language, our differences, we long for happiness. When we are in peace, we are dancing in happiness. That's why I love this video very much. Bravo! Let's dance :)

Sunday Preview - Ryan Gosling

第一次看Ryan Gosling是他主演的《Half Nelson》,觉得这个演员以后的星路应该还不错。近来,他又很多不片子上演。最近的《Drive》在康城影展赢得了最佳导演。除了都演那些比较冷门的电影,他终于有机会主演商业喜剧片《Crazy, Stupid, Love》,和Steve Careel飙戏。接着,在George Clooney自编自导自演的《The Ides of March》主演主角,这是George Clooney一贯想要拍的美国政治片种。他还没有成为好莱坞的A级,但是潜能很大。他属于实力派那种,希望他能藉着一些商业片把自己变得偶像派一些。《Crazy, Stupid, Love》应该是一个很好的开始(虽然单看预告好像没有到达那个感觉)。Ryan Gosling,看好你了。
Recently, there are a few upcoming movies starring Ryan Gosling. I saw him in 'Half Nelson' and he had made an impression. Those recent release include 'Drive', 'Crazy, Stupid, Love' and 'The Ides of March'. Hopefully these are not just a rush of demand in short term. A rom-com will boost him up, I bet.


Bjork - Moon



The Cranberries - Fire and Soul (Preview)

久违的小红莓。这个预告我重复听了几遍,喜欢鼓声和吉他慢慢铺陈的节奏。Fire and Soul感觉很清新。好期待。一直喜欢The Craberries。这最新专辑《Roses》要到明年2月才正式发行...好难等啰。


Zee Avi - 31 Days

以前时间很多工作很少,写博客的次数也不算多,偶尔其中的一个月我会发疯般不停地写。现在工作实在忙得不可开交。上班时间一律不用Facebook社交网络用率大跌。觉得自己因为工作变成了一个名副其实的宅()男。翻译的工作依然在进行着,感觉没完没了。正职的工作,说真的,大部分已经搞完了,而且工作量不大。现在这一刻,我真的是在偷闲。在听Zee Avi的新专辑《ghostbirds》。Zee Avi的歌,就是有那种让人放松心情的作用。我既刻变得软绵绵的很想睡觉。这张专辑我尤其喜欢单曲Swell Window31 DaysSiboh Kitak Nangis


Sunday Preview - Let's Watch Taiwan

I keep listening to this song - "Those Years" (那些年). It is written by "9knifes" (九把刀), a famous fiction blogger from Taiwan. The song is the theme song for his first feature film "You Are The Apple of My Eye" (《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》, literally it means "those years, those girls we wooed"). Those bittersweet of high school and first love memory, we would love to reminisce.
Those years might be unbearable lightness, yet Another Taiwanese feature "Seedig Bale" (《赛德克·巴莱》) by director Wei Te Sheng should be the heaviness. The Seediq tribe were forced to fight for their own during ruling of Japanese. It's a movie of war, lost, and fighting for Seedig's faith. It looks like a great production. Watch the trailer here: Sun Flags & Rainbow Bridge.



最近同事们接到一个案子,是Nikon的I AM广告。我们大家就到youtube看其电视广告。大家的第一个反应,就是觉得那首背景歌曲很好听,很能激奋人心。在我看着看着的时候,觉得有些像National Geographic的feel。现在的广告拍成像短片一样。只要是大制作,就已经有震撼力。用I AM 什么什么去定义自己的生活,我喜欢。


The Dazzling Cafe @ Kota Damansara

以前经常和朋友Keith去吃然后到网卡工作。最近因为大家都全职,所以没有自由工作的时间。但是freelance依然不间断。就在这个周末,我们选了一间在Kota Damansara的kopitiam,打算吃后工作。他点咖喱面,我点星洲米粉。全都不错。饱餐后就开始工作,不停工作,也不停点饮料,又再次重过freelance的日子,虽然只是一个周末。


Just Stand Up!

友人在FB转载了这Just Stand Up To Cancer视频,我多手点击结果花了一些时间感动。说真的,我更有兴趣看众超级女歌手同台表演飙歌。如果我这样想的话,应该符合了该promo的初衷,就是要能吸引成千上万的人观看然后拨电做慈善。就这样吧,我就是来消费而已吧?不是的,我只是来听歌的。歌是好听的,众聚集让人兴奋。但是癌症基本是一项很私人的事情。我们自己必须拿出勇气去面对生活。Just stand up,勇于面对,好好去生活、感恩。我们可以去到很多意想不到的地方。
Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, Mary J. Blige, Rihanna, Fergie, Natasha Bedingfield, Miley Cyrus, Leona Lewis, Carrie Underwood, Keyshia Cole, Ashanti, Ciara, and Nicole Scherzinger performed "Just Stand Up! To Cancer" to help raise support for others to stand up to cancer. Great song and great collaboration. Just stand up!

Sunday Preview - Hola!

大师阿莫多瓦新片《La piel que habito》(吾栖之肤)很让人期待。他的电影总是有离奇的感觉。电影讲述一名外科医生试图制造出新型伏击,在真人身上进行实验。这人对于这医生只是一件试验品。人不但是一个臭皮,还有灵魂。如果没有灵魂,就只是皮了。另外一部由依格侠导的西班牙片《Balada triste de trompeta》(最后的马戏团)。西班牙内战时期,快乐小丑被雇在马戏团服务,他在马戏中大事屠杀兵士。故事也是够疯癫的。西班牙电影有种歇斯底里的疯。

Almodavar's new film The Skin I Live in is going to show everywhere else but not Malaysia. I always wanted to watch Almodavar's movie. I anticipate his and yet I do not have my wish come true. Never mind, there is always an alternative. The other Spanish movie The Last Circus by Álex de la Iglesia is quite bizarrely interesting. A clown ss hired to serve in a circus during Spanish Civic War and he massacres the entire platoon. Revenge? Hola! Let's watch some Spanish films.


Chiara Mastroianni & Paul Schneider - Ici Londres

继《Les Chansons d'amour》(巴黎小情歌)后,导演Christophe Honore和作曲人Alex Beaupain再次合作另一部音乐剧情电影《Les Bien-aimés》(被爱的人),演员班底几乎一样,还多了老戏骨Catherine Deneuve。这首动听的歌曲“Ici Londres”由Chiara Mastroianni和Paul Schneider演唱。在这部独特、怀旧又浪漫的作品中,他们饰演的角色将我们带入了60年代的布拉格、80年代的伦敦、911事件时的世界和今日的

This song, Ici Londres, from the new movie by Christophe Honore is okay, at least it catches my attention. I have paid attention to Honore's films, even Homme au Bain, but not all of them are my cup of tea. But I love Les Chansons d'amour, I love it, I love the songs. Hopefully this The Beloved is as good as Love Songs.


張震嶽 - 我會想念妳

I do not listen to Chinese songs often and I do not have a concrete reason. But when I listen, I always go back to those I like, such as A Yue. He is one of my favourites, as a matter of fact, he might be the only one who is appealing to me. I like his directness and simplicity, those words suddenly become his songs. And also, I am liking his attitude. This song, I'll Miss You, I like it a lot. I will miss you, till I see you again...


Beirut - Goshen



Roman Polanski - Carnage

精彩的剧本,就该由资深的演员演绎。我看了导演Roman Polanski的新片《Carnage》(今晚谁当家)我就即可爱上这个故事。两对父母因为各自孩子的争执约好在一格下午讨论这件事情。故事有很夸张的元素和歇斯底里的人物性格,而且有很浓的另类幽默。一个这么简单的故事,感觉却很有张力。而且演员的演技很精彩,我很想马上就看。
Carnage is a film by Roman Polanski adapted from Yasmina Reza's play, which makes the film interesting. The characters are hysterical, I reckon the actors enjoyed playing those characters. This makes me want to read the play and see the play. Both Yasmina Reza and Roman Polanski are talented!

Sigur Ros - Festival

This song was featured in the movie 127 Hours. They uploaded the this video not long ago. It was fantastic to see them live, I had a chance when I was in London. I always love their music, till now. And this track is fantastic, heart-touching. I could forget everything else, like a instant breakaway.


Joanna Wang - Times of Your Life

赶完手头上的工作,我想我要好好正视自己的生活。目前不能面对,却刚好冲着而来。濒临崩溃好几次,也总希望能够找个出口。我觉得我已经变了,变成一个自己也不喜欢的人。我的脾气变得很大很暴力。我变得一意孤行。我看事情的眼光带有很多不肖。然后,我一直认为那些刻苦铭心的经历让我如此。可是,我也不能走不出阴影长期以这位借口。我也不想再浪费仅有的丁点青春。就这样吧:times of your life, is determined by yourself.





Sunday Preview - Feeling A Little Bit Gay

我不是一个喜欢gay-themed电影的人,但是我看了这部关于两个男人在周末邂逅的电影预告片《Weekend》,我就像一见钟情喜欢上这部电影的节奏、画面和音乐(预告的音乐好听,希望电影本身亦如此)。这是一部关于美好邂逅,然后要对生活做选择的故事,表达了现代人所面对的生活。我们可能遇见浪漫,但是我们好像也不想放弃对生活的理想。还真想看这部电影。另外一部是Run Lola Run导演Tom Tykwer的新电影《3》,说得是两男一女的三角恋情性爱(女男、男女、男男),当然Tom Tykwer的电影手法常识引人注目,可是,就故事而言,我还是喜欢从不刻意的角色引发深一层的思考。
Weekend is not just a movie about gay one-night stand, it explores more than that, about life, what you wish to do in life. That is what fascinates me, about encounters of human being, albeit any kind of relationships. The trailer makes us believe the film is watchable. A new film by Tom Tykwer, 3 , is about triangle relationship among a woman and two men. This is a full triangle sex and relationship. So, let's see...trailer 3.


I Break Horses - Winter Beats

这是瑞典乐队I Break Horses的首发专辑《Hearts》。乐种属于shoegaze,有许多电子音乐的indie。听不清他们唱什么,一直在呢喃着歌词。但是无损歌曲的美妙。或许就是爱上这种类型的音乐而一直在寻找这些自己喜欢的声音。听到这些音乐,就有很大的感动。
Hearts is the first album by Swedish duo I Break Horses. Even the name suggested they listen to Smog, but it was a total different story. I like the ambiance created, a bit cold and loitering on the same point and keep repeating. Like a loop, you hardly get out of it. Recarnation.