
Sunday Preview - Let's Greek

这部希腊电影《To Tango ton Hristougennon》(The Christmas Tango, 圣诞探戈)由电视导演Nikos Koutelidakis执导,改编自Yiannis Xanthoulis的小说。故事发生在圣诞节,一名老将遇上一名年轻人,勾出1970年发生过的刻骨铭心,故事周旋在害羞兵士、严峻中尉、陆军上校和她妻子之间。继《Dogtooth》,导演Yorgos Lanthimos有另一部风格怪诞的电影《Alps》。故事讲述一家公司提供特别服务,让失去亲人的伤心人聘请暂时替代失去的人。希腊电影,开始在出征世界版图。
I watched a trailer named The Christmas Tango. It is a Greek film directed by Nikos Koutelidakis, and adapted from Yannis Xanthoulis' fiction. It is best to be shown during Christmas time, as the story started from a Christmas day, an encounter of a 65 years old lieutenant and a bashful soldier dancing tango. The is a nice and simple e-description about The Christmas Day, click here. Dogtooth director Yorgos Lanthimos' new film Alps is as eccentric as Dogtooth. The film is about a service offering stasnd-ins for the recent deceased. It is dark and black humour.

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