
The Antlers - I Don't Want Love

周日晚很迟睡。睡3小时后起身去上班。本来以为今天在公司又是行尸走肉过一天。除了早上时分一直不停打瞌睡,接下来的时间我还能提起精神去干事。难道是年纪大了,睡眠可以减少?我好像不相信这回事(因我很爱睡)。周一经常都是最惨、最难过的日子。因为周末不但没有补眠,而且还超支。这个星期一还算神奇。现在打算睡觉,却没有睡意。不过写完了这篇,我应该会去睡觉。我已经养成了那种只要有机会躺下来睡意就立刻产生的神奇。我就是一直在听这首The Antlers的I Don't Want Love,感觉轻轻地漂浮,脑袋开始抛空。就是这种感觉,我入眠时将会忘掉今日的烦躁。

When I was watching the trailer of Weekend, the background music is familiar. I thought, I knew this song, I listened to it before, but I could not recall the names. Later I found out it was 'I Don't Want Love', the first track from The Antlers' latest album Burst Apart. Honestly, when I found a song I like so much from an album, I would keep listening to it and tend to forget others. The song that I like most (from Burst Apart) was Hound. Yet, It was never too late to look back and found something extraordinary.

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