
Sunday Preview - Ryan Gosling

第一次看Ryan Gosling是他主演的《Half Nelson》,觉得这个演员以后的星路应该还不错。近来,他又很多不片子上演。最近的《Drive》在康城影展赢得了最佳导演。除了都演那些比较冷门的电影,他终于有机会主演商业喜剧片《Crazy, Stupid, Love》,和Steve Careel飙戏。接着,在George Clooney自编自导自演的《The Ides of March》主演主角,这是George Clooney一贯想要拍的美国政治片种。他还没有成为好莱坞的A级,但是潜能很大。他属于实力派那种,希望他能藉着一些商业片把自己变得偶像派一些。《Crazy, Stupid, Love》应该是一个很好的开始(虽然单看预告好像没有到达那个感觉)。Ryan Gosling,看好你了。
Recently, there are a few upcoming movies starring Ryan Gosling. I saw him in 'Half Nelson' and he had made an impression. Those recent release include 'Drive', 'Crazy, Stupid, Love' and 'The Ides of March'. Hopefully these are not just a rush of demand in short term. A rom-com will boost him up, I bet.

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