今天FB朋友在网上分享这则铁达时Time Is Love电视广告“这三年间”,看了感觉很舒服,感觉也很类似台湾广告的感觉(这样说好像台湾特能干出这种创意点子。说真的,也真是台湾才能如此)。这个4分钟版广告我看了几次,也看得很细。整个过程处理的很细腻。片子中那个已经离开的“男人”看起来特有品味:黑胶、漫画、单车、篮球、情信...这简直传说中濒临绝种超有品味的直男。到最后,虽然大家知道卖的产品就是手表,但是大家对这手表的品牌价值肯定因这则广告而觉得那是非常值得珍藏的产品。还有,梅艳芳那首《似水流年》给了片子很对位的feel。再说,这广告的文案写得很到位,很好!
FB friends shared this advert today. It is called "These Three Years" from Solvil et Titus 'Time Is Love' series adverts. Obviously this series is about love and relationship, I am sure even without translation, non-Chinese audience will understand the idea. Times by times as she sold off those stuff to a recycle shop, those things belonged to her 'ex', or someone who had left. It take her very long time (three years) to get rid of 'him'. When she slowly got rid of his staff, the man of the shop slowly had feeling for her. Time is love, and love need times t solidified. Such a feel-good advert!
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