
Sara Bareilles - King of Anything

還記得Sara Bareilles的“Love Song”嗎?那是她在2007年始很紅的一首曲子。 2010年9月她的專輯《Kaleidoscope Heart》(萬花筒心),這首'King of Anything'乃是首發的單曲。歌詞體現了現代超強個人主義的風行。現在大家都有那種“要你管嗎?”我行我素的態度:who cares if you disagree?/ you are not me / who made you king of anything? 個人主義超盛行,到了過火的地步時,有人甚麼都要發表意見、什麼都要管,好像世界的中心變成了自己,甚至太陽地球也變成以他為中心。遇到這種人,必要時唱給他聽,安慰自己時唱給自己聽。無力應對時以歌化解最好。
Sara Bareilles 3rd studio album Kaleidoscope Heart's first single King of Anything is a great song to dismiss those who are full of themselves. So I will always try to remember this part of the song: who cares if you disagree? you are not me; who made you king of anything?


周日午后咖啡 Artisan Roast KL

在klpac看完了文康的“那就愛吧!”後,我和Lish決定到安邦路附近的Artisan Cafe。那是一間獨立洋房作為藝術館,院子裡有幾間可愛的小屋,其中一間很南洋式的小屋就是Artisan Cafe。我和Lish不約而同地點了Affogato,我們聞所未聞就很雀躍地要試試。咖啡端上桌時已經可以聞到濃濃可咖啡味。我們對望一眼,大家想的都是一樣的:這才是真正的咖啡。小杯子裝了espresso,加入兩粒雪糕。咖啡是熱的,雪糕是冷的。咖啡是列且甘香的,雪糕就像扮演'糖'的角色。這杯Affogato實在是真材實料的咖啡。它所散發的濃郁氣味和咖啡香,入口的質感,感覺“這才是所謂的咖啡”。週日午後的陽光,周圍椰樹綠蔭,在赤道熱帶喝上意大利式的咖啡。這個Sunday感覺真好。

They roast their own beans @ Artisan Roast KL.Address: Yayasan Seni Berdaftar Artisan Centre & Gallery 333 Persiaran Ritchie Off Jalan Ritchie, Jalan Ampang, 55000 Kuala Lumpur. Affogato is highly recommended: esspresso with ice-cream!


德國導演Wim Wender最新的紀錄電影《Pina》獻給偉大舞者Pina Bausch,紀錄了她舞蹈演繹生涯,看預告已經覺得很有啟發。 Abbas Kiarostami的《Certified Copy》的最新預告剪入了比較多的劇情,看了更加期待。至於剛獲康城影展大獎的泰國片《Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives》比起一般泰國鬼片,這看起來比較抒情。還有法國音樂才子Serge Gainsbourg的故事被拍成電影,又多了一部讓我期待的電影。問題是,預告都看夠了,何時能看全片?

Wim Wenders' dance documentaryPina.
Abbas Kiarostami's Certified Copy with Juliette Binoche. Apichatpong Weerasethakul's Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives. Joann Sfar's Gainsbourg (Vie héroïque).


Wishing Lantern

This video was shot by Lish using her Blackberry phone on the night we flied our wishing lanterns. I got the video from Lish, then edited and uploaded to Vimeo. We flied our dreams on the same land. We are Malaysians, with different cultures and those cultures blended in slowly and harmoniously.


Hallelujah covers

法國著名歌手Vanessa Paradis唱這首“Hallelujah”唱得很不錯。我超喜歡看現場演唱,歌手的現場演唱往往很得我心。加拿大唱作人Leonard Cohen寫了這首非常動聽的“Hallelujah”,hallelujah是對上帝的讚美。 Rufus Wainwright唱的現場版本更得我心。而我最喜歡還是Jeff Buckley唱的版本。除了Jeff Buckley,歌手John Cale、Allison Crowe和也唱過。特別喜歡在夜晚聽這首“Hallelujah”,好像整個靈魂都活起來。
"Hallelujah" is written by Leonard Cohen and released on 1984. Since then the song become popular and many artists sang covers for it, adding more variations. I liked the cover by Jeff Buckley, it did magic on me.

Danny Boyle - 127 Hours

對於熱愛生命的我們,我們有好好地去活著每一天嗎?我們面對挫折時,有曾拿出過勇氣和堅持到底的毅力嗎?看《127小時》看到最後,我掉下了眼淚。請不要輕易放棄。逆境時可以埋怨,可是到底還是不能怪罪其他,自己才是最主要的原因。這是我看《127小時》得到的啟示。這種根據真人真事拍成的大峽谷意外卡住事件,大家早已知道故事如何結尾。可電影出自導演Danny Boyle,整個127小時都不一樣。

首先,電影的剪接做得緊湊,三幕式的拼湊增加體育運動的活力。超遠景、遠景、近景和超近景的運用得自然恰當。故事寫得太精彩,煽情的部分真實到位不過分,還充實運用了現代科技產品(自行車、錄影機、數碼相機、耳機等品牌的最佳曝光機會)。演員演活了角色,配樂的意境符合,全部電影元素恰到好處地到位,實在精彩!導演Danny Boyle自《Trainspotting》就已聲名大噪。繼《Slumdog Millionaire》拿下奧斯卡最佳影片和最佳導演等榮譽,再創《127小時》,真實佳作不減。至於James Franco,就算這次拿不成(遇上大敵《王者之聲》的Colin Flirth),可是他的演技和氣質,加上不凡、如James Dean的樣貌,指日可待呀!
127 Hours is energetic, masculinely sentimental and rich. The editing makes it lively and powerful. The performance by James Franco is great, especially his temperament at sentimental values to it. The script is rich, both logic and touching. Excellent scripts, fit-in sound and music, convincing performance, dynamic editing styles, far angle of Grand Canyon and closed-up on facial expression... all come in place. Great film, I enjoyed very much. And James Franco is the next promising actor.

Oscar Original Song 2011

刚看過《127關鍵小時》,我很喜歡這部電影。也剛聽了提名原創歌曲"If I Rise",也很喜歡這首歌。以《127關鍵小時》的風格來比較,我還是覺得這首主題曲的格調不盡符合。可是,AR Rahman為電影創作的配樂卻和電影風格非常配合。這也是純粹個人意見。到底還是很難說得準。這次奧斯卡的電影主題曲提名和金球獎相比,只有兩首提名是相同的,即"Coming Home"和"I See the Light"。 《Burlesque》的電影曲子沒入奧斯卡提名,其中在獲得金球獎的"You Haven't Seen the Last of Me"我非常喜歡。畢竟奧斯卡和金球口味不一樣。我一直都很喜歡奧斯卡對動畫片音樂和主題曲的鍾愛。如果要猜,我猜《玩具總動員3》的"We Belong Together"會勝出。花落誰家,3日後揭曉!
2011 83rd Oscar music (original song) nominees will be performed by following artist on award show night:
If I Rise from 127 Hours, performed by A.R. Rahman & Florence Welch; Coming Home from Country Strong, performed by Gwyneth Paltrow; I See the Light from Tangled, performed by Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi; We Belong Together from Toy Story 3, performed by Randy Newman.
I like the song If I Rise, with or without watching 127 Hours (I watched and I like the film). My bet is on We Belong Together. What's your bet?


Oscar Foreign Films 2011


2011 83rd Oscar foreign film nominees:
Alejandro González Iñárritu's dangerous underworld, spiritual crime Biutiful (Mexico),
Susanne Bier's powerful, captivating In a Better World (Denmark),
Yorgos Lanthimos' ingenious, weird, satire Dogtooth (Greece),
Denis Villeneuve's deep-rooted hatred Incendies (Canada),
Rachid Bouchareb's Algerian independence movement Outside the Law (Algeria).

Steven Antin - Burlesque


早聽說《Burlesque》屬一般水平,果真如此。排場和佈置華麗、衣著閃閃發亮。 Cher的魅力真是不減,Christina Aguilera的嗓音我是為之傾心。可以用百人黑音形容她嗎?歌曲真的很動聽,但是唯獨故事結構鬆散,角色刻畫不夠鮮明,剪接沒有新意,幾段唱戲很直接,沒玩剪接、沒加插倒敘……所以,這是一部聽得精彩的歌舞電影。
Written and directed by Steven Antin, Burlesque was Christina Aguilera's debut film as a lead actress. As a singer with a powerful voice, that role was just perfect for her. Her voice took all my focus. As for Cher, her charisma was timeless. And when she sang You Haven't Seen The Last of Me (check out the youtube above), I was melted. The plot of this musical is nothing surprised, I reckoned before I stepped into the cinema. I enjoyed all the beautiful songs.


Michalis Hatzigiannis - Kolaz

這是Michalis Hatzigiannis第8張專輯《Kolaz》。 Kolaz,即collage,意思是收藏品。這張專輯收集了他翻唱著名歌曲,這些歌手包括Mimmis Plesas、Mario Tokas、Antonis Vardis等等,這首Anna就是他翻唱Giannis Karalis的歌。就如這首Anna,歌曲的希臘風味很濃,我相信這專輯的民味會很重,真希望可以找到這張專輯。
michalis hatzigiannis kolaz
In 2009, Michalis Hatzigiannis released his 8th studio album Kolaz, which means 'collage'. It was an album collaging covers of popular songs and this song Anna was a cover for Giannis Karalis.

請借鑒反省: Farm to Fridge

Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production contains highly disturbing scenes of inhuman meat production process. If you wish to watch, please click the image below. Let's make a better world by starting eat less meat, eat appropriately and do not waste food.
在面子書看見有人看了視頻後如此狠批:OMG, so cruel! I hope these MFs will be reborn as the animals that they have tortured! 這部名為Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production的紀錄視頻揭示人為了大量生產肉類如何侍養和宰殺動物。其中還插入工人虐待動物(打、踢、壓、擠……)的片段,所以友人留下了這樣的評述(我相信MF是Mother Fucker的縮寫)。這些工人在惡劣環境的惡劣態度實在不該。其實,整個生產處理過程就是絕大不人道。我衷心希望這個朋友看了這段視頻的反應,應該是反省自己每一餐端上桌上的膳食。如果每一餐都是肉類,就會促使大量肉類生產的過程,就是導致這項惡性循環的共謀者。不過量飲食、減少吃肉才是最實際的行動。如果這樣評述後,肉照樣大吃、生活不節儉,而沒有好好反省,我們的世界將是個不人道的世界。


Need You Now Covers

其實Lady Antellum的“Need You Now”紅了有一陣子,Karaoke經常有人熱衷高唱。我喜歡第二季高校合唱團中Rachelle和Pucker唱得這個版本。當然,他們唱的版本比較照著原版。 Darius Rucker和Adele在CMT唱的版本突現了各自聲質的特色。其實對於翻唱,我比較注重歌手是否可以將歌曲變成自己的,並唱出自己的音色。不管哪個版本,每唱至“It's a quarter after one, I am all alone and I need you now...”,這就是“當時即刻需要你”的感覺,尤其夜晚,很難不需要。
Glee season II covers Need You Now, as well as Adele and Darius Rucker performed live for CMT. This song is amazing, when it comes to "it's a quarter after one, I am all alone and I need you now...", the feeling rush up and you just need the one would be there for you. As in Glee, Rachelle and Pucker were the great choice for the song. Adele is highly recognizable, as well as Darius Rucker, it does make the song come with different feelings. It feels more powerful by their vocals. Their vocals are fantastic, and I always believe a great singer should sing live well. And I need you now...


Michalis Hatzigiannis - We're Alike

Michalis Hatzigiannis,希臘文為Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης,中文念成“米伽里斯·赫茲亞密斯”,是希臘著名唱作歌手。 1979年生於塞浦路斯,畢業於塞浦路斯音樂學院,考獲鋼琴、吉他及樂理本科生。他參加了1995年塞浦路斯的Eurovision歌唱比賽,有兩曲獲得第二和第三名。從此開始了他的歌唱事業,而且交出了白金的成績單。

這首歌我從youtube視頻發現,歌名叫Μοιάζουμε (Miazoume),意思是we're alike,youtube有1,073,799的點擊紀錄。這視頻並非正式的MV,拼湊了赫茲亞密斯許多英俊的照片。這首希臘語歌,也真聽得我蠻投入的。流行之餘也帶些民彩,這特性應該和希臘語發音有關,製造了一種淡淡的憂愁。赫茲亞密斯好像真的很受歡迎,在這段現場錄音的視頻,聽眾們幾乎個個都會唱這首Miazoume。他那副嗓音,和他的樣貌一樣充滿陽剛味。成熟男聲,很得人鍾愛。

Singersongwriter Michalis Hatzigiannis is a popular recording artist in Greece. Forbes listed him as the 22nd most powerful and influential celebrity in Greece at the year of 2010, and 5th in the singer rank. These are figures we may refer to, but we ought to experience and feel his charisma, his voice and his music in real. Get a song and listen, such as this, Miazoume (We're alike) and feel his masculine pitch burning slowly in hearts.


Bodyslam - Poot Nai Jai

泰國搖滾樂隊Bodyslam的這首搖滾流行曲Poot Nai Jai(พูดในใจ)開始時主音說了幾句開場白有很emo的感覺,我就應經覺得浪漫。聽說主音Athiwara Khongmalai的那副嗓音很獨特,所以樂隊持久不衰。我相信如果我呀學泰語,聽泰國歌是一個不錯的開始,就像我當時很喜歡聽英語歌。泰語一定有些攝人的咒語,我大概就被這魔咒深深吸引。可是這種外星文我要如何學習呢?

Bodyslam - KRAAM
Bodyslam is a Thai rock band. Previously there were called La-On, which meant kids. After they won a competition and got recognized by label, they changed their name to Bodyslam. When you are grown-ups, you are always asked to do grown-ups' matters. They gained popularity in Thailand and won few awards for their music. Their sixth album is KRAAM I heard a few songs from Bodyslam, especially this Poot Nai Jai, I felt romance and rock. I always love rock songs, they are my genre. I guess even till I get old, I still like rock.


周日 Ristretto Cafe

週日的惰性很快成形,我即刻就答應友人的邀約到滿家樂住宅區(Mont Kiara)的咖啡廳敘敘無關重要的瑣事。反正我早呆在家裡實在並非好事,週日的生產率奇低。早上起來走走抽根煙,吃了一塊芋頭糕,上網採菜然後又倒頭睡去。週一有兩件作業到期,但是這樣子呆在家,不如去和朋友八卦敘舊。況且這間叫Ristretto Cafe的咖啡廳還沒去過。




Maroon 5 - Live in Kuala Lumpur

Maroon 5 Live in Kuala Lumpur
Maroon 5樂隊來馬開唱的廣告/宣傳今日見報(上圖)。這是手機公司HTC和電訊公司Maxis聯載的廣告,宣傳中的免費贈票截至2月20日,得搶先購買附有Maxis配套的HTC手機。我絕對贊成趁機促銷。如果你想買新HTC手機,兼要用Maxis服務,再來又很愛Maroon 5,最後可以搶先成為首500名購買者……就恭喜你了唄。如果沒有購買手機欲,也沒有轉用電訊服務,就來看看票價吧:馬幣115、185、255、355、485。這票價,我覺得大家還是可以去的! !演唱會於2011年4月29日晚上9時在Bukit Jalil布特拉體育館引爆,到時候一定很high。

Maroon 5於2010年9月發了一張新專輯《Hands All Over》,融合了搖滾、流行、龐克和節奏藍調。現在當歌手/樂隊,發了專輯就要去巡唱,然後休息、寫歌、發片,再去巡唱。第三首單曲"Never Gonna Leave This Bed"的音樂錄影拍述主音Adam Levine和女人一直睡在床上到處遊街。這種MV倒是能吸引大家的注意。 Maroon 5,祝你們開唱成功!
Funky rock band Maroon 5 will be LIVE in Kuala Lumpur! Maroon 5's debut album Songs About Jane brought them to international stardom. Back then, This Love, She Will Be Loved and Sunday Morning were great hits, and could be heard always in karaoke rooms. Second album It Won't Be Soon Before Long had a better sale and record and Make Me Wonder was a hit. Get more of the third album Hands All Over at this coming concert!







Oscar Best Picture Nominees in Lego

今年奥斯卡入围的10部最佳电影 - 《真实勇气》、《黑天鹅》、《王者之声:宣战时刻》、《社群网战》、《127小时》、《燃烧斗魂》、《性福拉警报》、《冻死骨》、《玩具总动员3》、《全面启动》- 各有各精彩!特别用玩具Lego制作了这10部电影的画面,算是为这10部电影打气。

Visit Lego gallery to see 83rd Oscar Best Picture nominees - The True Grit, Black Swan, The King's Speech, The Social Network, 127 Hours, The Fighter, The Kids Are Alright, Winter's Bone, Toy Story 3, Inception in Lego.

The Fighter

有些电影,虽然大概知道或猜到故事的结局,但它还是有让你看下去的魅力。《The Fighter》就是其一,看得津津有味。这剧本根据拳击手Micky Ward的生平事迹写成,影片焦点集中,主要叙述兄弟情谊和为拳击的奋斗。影片速度不快不慢,却也没有拖泥带水。某些部分还用上当时采用的摄影机,制造了如同电视纪录摄影的效果。甚至拳击比赛的部分,也排得很真实,就像我们看体育频道时会看到的场面,还会列出拳击手胜负记录表。导演成功拍出人与人之间的摩擦和张力,就是这电影的精彩之处。

另外,众演员们的演出也实在精彩。虽然Mark Wahlberg的表现最弱,但他也进步了许多。尤其是Christian Bale,我们肯定相信他所饰演的角色,他所投射的就是现实生活中那个真人。虽然有人批评他像演出The Machinst那样再次超级瘦身,可是并非每个人为角色塑造所要的身材后就可以演技大进。所以这次入围奥斯卡最佳男配角胜算很高。另外,饰演母亲的Melissa Leo和女朋友的Amy Adams也是表现很好。看好演员演戏是一种享受,《The Fighter》里有那么多的好卡士,看得过瘾。
We kind of know how is a movie about boxing. The Fighter is based on the story of Micky Ward, with focus on brotherhood and human characters. The Fighter is straightforwardly unfolding the story, but it has the tension to make you continue watching it. It has got a brilliant cast, all actors are great, especially Christian Bale, his performance is superb. The boxing scene are realistic, without over-doing, just like watching boxing on sport channel.


Little Lou, Ugly Jack, Prophet John


但是情人节就不得不听情歌,这是我近年来养成的习惯。Belle and Sebastian在2010年十月发行了这专辑《Write About Love》,其中一首的名字很特别,叫"Little Lou, Ugly Jack, Prophet John",是一首听起来慵懒的情歌。但是这Belle & Sebastian和Norah Jones合唱的版本,总在某些地方觉得刺耳,觉得Norah Jones的声音和男音有些许对抗,搞得感觉怪怪的。
I like this song, "Little Lou, Ugly Jack, Prophet John" either from Belle and Sebastian's latest album "Write About Love", or Norah Jones' "...featuring Norah Jones". And I simply like the name 'Write About Love'.


Lady Antebellum - Need You Now

乐队Lady Antebellum在53届格林美音乐奖的主要奖项中一举拿下最佳年度唱片制作、最佳歌曲、最佳乡村歌曲、最佳乡村专辑奖及最佳乡村乐队,可谓是这次的风光赢家。这首单曲“Need You Know”非常红,很多人唱K都回唱这首歌。Country音乐这乐种的流行性很重,而且琅琅唱上口。


Congratulations to Lady Antebellum (till now I do not know how to pronounce 'Antebellum' correctly). Photo above are from Grammy Awards Show. They won Record of the Year, Song of the Year, Best Country Song, Best Country Album and Best Country Group at 53rd Grammy Awards. I loved the song and sang it with friends during karaoke sessions all the times, in fact every times.

Valentine's Fun



Iron and Wine - Half Moon

Iron and Wine的新专辑《Kiss Each Other Clean》里有一首歌“Half Moon”,意思很简单,说的是冬天里两人在山区住宅互相依靠的甜蜜生活 - 登山的归途,足印在雪道上,傍晚的霞光逐渐暗淡/冬天里寒夜发出的声音,我在你身旁醒来,数着你的一呼一吸/半月时分我看不见一物,如果我失去你,我情愿放弃自己……

Iron and Wine的音乐风格主要属folk rock,这张第四张专辑Kiss Each Other Clean加了一些alternative、country和牙买加的一些音乐元素。以流行程度来听,这是一张蛮pop的专辑。这位唱作人写了许多不是一般题材的歌曲,词意新鲜,保持了Iron and Wine独有的特质。
At first I thought Iron and Wine was a band. It turned out to be the stage name for Samuel Beam. I still thought that he leaded a band Iron and Wine, and yes, it has become a band in years. Kiss Each Other Clean was his fourth studio album released on January 2011. The album sounds mostly folk, rock and alternative from the poly-rhythmic sounds. I enjoyed the richness and idiosyncratic of this album.


Tom Baxter - My Declaration


他的嗓音带有一种忧伤的味道,耳朵好像换成舌头也跟着能尝到这种滋味。尤其Tom Baxter的首张专辑Feather & Stone,好像一个患有忧郁症的歌手出来唱歌一样。曲目的第一首单曲My Declaration就酝酿了这种忧郁,当时在伦敦不喜欢多听,因为很容易在听歌的时候,收到阴霾天气而加重郁闷的心情。
I found Tom Baxter's Feather & Stone from a sales corner at Virgin store in Kingston, Surrey. That was how I got to know his music in a discounted way, sort of (I had been browsing the corner and found that record quite interesting, without test listening). Surprisingly it amazed me. I did not praised my taste but luck, my luck at the sales corner. Things started small and then it became richer with memories. I could not listen more of this album as the weather was always depressing. After years, it was still great.

My Thoughts

Thanks to a friend from Facebook, I did the MyBrain test. The test should tell you what you were thinking at that particular moment when you key in your name. His thought was great as it related to his profession. It was not the same to me. I did the test in a short time with several of my names:
This told that I was thinking of having a thin wallet, cost of living was high and wage never raised. (poor me)
This told that I was thinking to work very hard for my dreams, great fortune and beautiful wife. (I think of this every day)
This said I was thinking of a neighbour widow, some sexy one-night-stand, picked-up money and dig booger to throw at someone. (disgusting but funny)
This me was thinking of eat drink prostitute gamble and weekend fun. (Was I thinking that?)
This was quite me. I was thinking of eat drink and fun, games, weekend and junk food. (this is my culture)
I had a mild laugh for this. Not a bad day with so many thoughts.


Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Stick with Me Baby

如果要买一张情人节专辑,你会买什么专辑?或者你会选些什么音乐类型的情人节合辑?星巴克推出的情人节合辑《I Got You Babe》还不错。选曲还很现代化,适合都市人的口味。The XX是我超喜爱的英国新进乐队,还有来自澳洲姐弟档的Angus Julia Stone,和我好爱的Kings of Convenience等等,给合辑带来了更适合摩登都市的氛围。

Allison Krauss和Robert Plant合唱的“Stick With Me Baby”很适合我这个年纪。Robert Plant生于1948年(我并非指他的年龄和我的很相似),乃是著名摇滚乐团Led Zeppelin的主唱和填词人。这首歌有种节奏,让你感觉你要去捉住爱情。我有冲动要学唱好这首歌,可是难度很高,以我这种资质还是算了吧,还是奢望别人唱吧。
Check the track list below and you may like this compilation of love songs by Starbucks for Valentine's Day 2011. It is a collectible love song album. Valentine's day is coming, do you have any particular love songs which remind you of some loves, some people that you have loved before, and some romances and sweet encounters. Now, I will have myself, a love song a day till Valentine's Day.
Track List:
1. Stick with Me Baby - Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
2. Gold for the Price of Silver - Kings of Convenience
3. Heart Skipped a Beat - The xx
4. My Repair (The Ghost Mix) - The Noises 10 Featuring Brandi Carlile
5. You Make My Dreams - Hall & Oates
6. I Got You Babe - Sonny & Cher
7. You’re All I Need to Get By - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
8. Água de Beber - Astrud Gilberto Featuring Antonio Carlos Jobim
9. Baby (You’ve Got What It Takes) - Dinah Washington and Brook Benton
10. Trust in Me - Etta James
11. Dream a Little Dream of Me - Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
12. Some Velvet Morning - Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood
13. And the Boys - Angus & Julia Stone
14. Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová


Love and Other Drugs


其实,我觉得Love and Other Drugs的最大卖点,还是Anne Hathaway的火辣身材和接近完美的丰满乳房,及Jake Gyllenhaal标准健硕的裸男身躯。难道还要我相信 - 这个时代,还是有人会为了找到自己心里唯一的对象努力,而且愿意照顾她一生一世(Anne Hathaway饰演的Maggie患有帕金森症)- 这个是卖点吗?就算是,我也不相信。如果信,也只有1%。矛盾的是,我依然希望如此美丽的人生会发生在我身上 (当然不是成为那帕金森美女)。

这两位年轻演员很有潜质,尤其Anne Hathaway,演技进步很多,指日可待。导演Edward Zwick还是个不错的导演,擅长导演和制作。在战争电影他获得了很多赞赏,如Blood Diamond和The Last Samurai。制作方面,Zwick先生操作一间电影制作公司,制作过大片如Shakespeare in Love和Traffic。当然全片流程没有停滞,看得还很顺利。演技欣赏了,娱乐有了,留下的最深印象,还是那些郎才女貌的胴体。
I read this repeated quote from twitter, you meet thousands of people but none of them really touched you, then u meet one person and your life is changed... forever. How sweet. How nice. What a GREAT selling point of this movie. Though I do not believe that anymore, I still think it is not a bad selling point. But to me, the top selling points are Ms Hathaway's perfectly beautiful tits andbody, with Mr Gyllenhaal's sexy and desirable male torso. Other than that I do not have much impression. Well, there are some. They can act and I believe they are promising actors. After all, it is an enjoyable movie.

25hours - Just Do

泰国流行摇滚乐团25hours有一首悲伤的情歌叫 ทำได้เพียง (Just Do)。单听这首歌而没有看歌词的话,就可以感觉到是一首分手的歌。其实看MV也知道这是悲伤的歌。我听完后,听明白几个字。其中在同一句里提及“离开”和“我明白”,其余听不懂的地方只好用自己情感的拼图拼上去。说真的,MV拍得很有看头,但是我还是觉得少了一些很原初的元素。说白一点,我看了MV,我知道是悲伤的爱情,但是我感觉不到它是真的悲伤。
let's say, if you wish to know more information about U.S. or U.K., it is not very difficult to get information from the internet. But let's say Thailand, or India, language is a true barrier. But this never stop me from learning Thai. I do not know since when I love the soft and not-macho-at-all language. To learn it is not an wasy task. It took me a long time to knew the name of this song from a Thai band 25hours - Just Do.