
Hallelujah covers

法國著名歌手Vanessa Paradis唱這首“Hallelujah”唱得很不錯。我超喜歡看現場演唱,歌手的現場演唱往往很得我心。加拿大唱作人Leonard Cohen寫了這首非常動聽的“Hallelujah”,hallelujah是對上帝的讚美。 Rufus Wainwright唱的現場版本更得我心。而我最喜歡還是Jeff Buckley唱的版本。除了Jeff Buckley,歌手John Cale、Allison Crowe和也唱過。特別喜歡在夜晚聽這首“Hallelujah”,好像整個靈魂都活起來。
"Hallelujah" is written by Leonard Cohen and released on 1984. Since then the song become popular and many artists sang covers for it, adding more variations. I liked the cover by Jeff Buckley, it did magic on me.

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