
The Fighter

有些电影,虽然大概知道或猜到故事的结局,但它还是有让你看下去的魅力。《The Fighter》就是其一,看得津津有味。这剧本根据拳击手Micky Ward的生平事迹写成,影片焦点集中,主要叙述兄弟情谊和为拳击的奋斗。影片速度不快不慢,却也没有拖泥带水。某些部分还用上当时采用的摄影机,制造了如同电视纪录摄影的效果。甚至拳击比赛的部分,也排得很真实,就像我们看体育频道时会看到的场面,还会列出拳击手胜负记录表。导演成功拍出人与人之间的摩擦和张力,就是这电影的精彩之处。

另外,众演员们的演出也实在精彩。虽然Mark Wahlberg的表现最弱,但他也进步了许多。尤其是Christian Bale,我们肯定相信他所饰演的角色,他所投射的就是现实生活中那个真人。虽然有人批评他像演出The Machinst那样再次超级瘦身,可是并非每个人为角色塑造所要的身材后就可以演技大进。所以这次入围奥斯卡最佳男配角胜算很高。另外,饰演母亲的Melissa Leo和女朋友的Amy Adams也是表现很好。看好演员演戏是一种享受,《The Fighter》里有那么多的好卡士,看得过瘾。
We kind of know how is a movie about boxing. The Fighter is based on the story of Micky Ward, with focus on brotherhood and human characters. The Fighter is straightforwardly unfolding the story, but it has the tension to make you continue watching it. It has got a brilliant cast, all actors are great, especially Christian Bale, his performance is superb. The boxing scene are realistic, without over-doing, just like watching boxing on sport channel.

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