
Bodyslam - Poot Nai Jai

泰國搖滾樂隊Bodyslam的這首搖滾流行曲Poot Nai Jai(พูดในใจ)開始時主音說了幾句開場白有很emo的感覺,我就應經覺得浪漫。聽說主音Athiwara Khongmalai的那副嗓音很獨特,所以樂隊持久不衰。我相信如果我呀學泰語,聽泰國歌是一個不錯的開始,就像我當時很喜歡聽英語歌。泰語一定有些攝人的咒語,我大概就被這魔咒深深吸引。可是這種外星文我要如何學習呢?

Bodyslam - KRAAM
Bodyslam is a Thai rock band. Previously there were called La-On, which meant kids. After they won a competition and got recognized by label, they changed their name to Bodyslam. When you are grown-ups, you are always asked to do grown-ups' matters. They gained popularity in Thailand and won few awards for their music. Their sixth album is KRAAM I heard a few songs from Bodyslam, especially this Poot Nai Jai, I felt romance and rock. I always love rock songs, they are my genre. I guess even till I get old, I still like rock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bodyslam 新專輯Kraam,很好聽!
很高興能找到同好 Bodyslam Fans