
Tom Baxter - My Declaration


他的嗓音带有一种忧伤的味道,耳朵好像换成舌头也跟着能尝到这种滋味。尤其Tom Baxter的首张专辑Feather & Stone,好像一个患有忧郁症的歌手出来唱歌一样。曲目的第一首单曲My Declaration就酝酿了这种忧郁,当时在伦敦不喜欢多听,因为很容易在听歌的时候,收到阴霾天气而加重郁闷的心情。
I found Tom Baxter's Feather & Stone from a sales corner at Virgin store in Kingston, Surrey. That was how I got to know his music in a discounted way, sort of (I had been browsing the corner and found that record quite interesting, without test listening). Surprisingly it amazed me. I did not praised my taste but luck, my luck at the sales corner. Things started small and then it became richer with memories. I could not listen more of this album as the weather was always depressing. After years, it was still great.

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