
Harvey Nichols - The Stone House

看了Harvey Nichols的圣诞广告,我接着再看这部短片《The Stone House》。流行服装的广告/短片和一般的广告很不一样。上次的广告有一个很重要的信息,就是Harvey Nichols要女人们不要feel ashamed。可是这部短片就是完全很流行服装的语言:影像一定要很吸引,不必详细的故事情节,一些场景,一些音乐来营造氛围。我没有觉得做这个或做那个有什么可以不可以,但是我们必须知道不管走哪个方向,我们都要努力做出好作品。
After the Christmas advert of Harvey Nichols, I watched this "Stone House" by Harvey Nichols. It was a short film with a man and a woman wearing elegant and beautiful clothes in the stone house, with no storyline. As a matter of fact, I would prefer it has a more obvious story, so that I could remember it easier.


Nando Adverts - Funny Series


This series of Nando's adverts are more funny, they are kind of pure hilarious. Overall, Nando's gives an impression of happy and affordable eating out. With some adverts going those political issues are best to enhance its image, as everybody else is going funny as well. Check out these: Where's My Chips?, Try New Things?, Ramadan, I Win I Eat the Chicken.

Nando's Adverts - Political Series


I had good laugh with all these Nando's advert. I admired its daring about politics and corruption. I found Nando's chicken was quite a decent meal with quite affordable price. And these series of Nando's adverts had deepened these impressions. As a matter of fact, that would be super funny with all these people cahnge to Malaysian characters, I guess all Malaysians could relate to it. Click these links for other adverts: Caught Speeding, Jacob Zuma, Last Dictator Standing.


Arts, Houben, Boogaard - Page 23

这部短片《Page 23》看起来像一本宜家杂志,概念很新很富想象力,我可惜剧本没什么张力。虽然如此,我还是很佩服,因为整部片子必须在48小时内完成。这个短片计划叫做48小时电影计划。团队将在星期五晚收到提示,接着的48小时必须完成整部电影。详情请浏览The 48 Hour Film Project
Page 23 is a short film by Tim Arts, Jeroen Houben, and Stefan van den Boogaard. It was done under the 48 Hour Film Project. On Friday night, the team was given a character, a prop, a line of dialogue and a genre to be included in the movie. Write, shoot, edit and score all in a 48-hour weekend. It was kind of fun, I guessed. As for Page 23, I thought the idea is awesome, but the script was a bit unclear, as I did not know what exactly was the message in the ending. But it was done within 48 hours, I had to say, Bravo!


Yuna - Come As You Are

马来歌手Yuna翻唱Nirvana的Come As You Are。她的声音实在让人难以置信!很赞!像天籁之音一样动听美妙。好久没有听见这种声音了,所以特别为之动心。她的诠释带着颓废的感觉,唱腔很特别。还有一首很好听的歌叫Decorate。听完了,我可以睡觉了。

Harvel Nichols Christmas Advert 2011

Adverts that play with serious social context, most likely will have a bigger response, such as Benetton. This 2011, Harvey Nichols featured the "The Walk of Shame" for its Christmas advert. Y'know, spend a crazy night, perhaps one-night-stand, and wake up in the morning, go home with inappropriate wear and attract uncomfortable stares. At the end, it suggested that Harvey Nichols womenswear will make you feel proud instead of shameful. The context is still considered light. Check out this Nando's Christmas Advert "Last Dictator Standing" which touched on the political context, from a chained restaurant, great message!
初次看这广告感觉没什么。渐渐地那些社会对我们留下的印象慢慢在浮现。在英国,inappropriate会遭人白眼。 在不同场合就应该穿上适合该场合的服饰,如果穿的不妥当,会很快得到人家的目光,虽然短暂,但依然是横扫过来的目光。所以这个广告的强处,在于它将社会的目光融入服装。一套好的服装,会让生活变得有尊严?虽然不尽其实,但是,至少表面上,我们可以逃过别人横扫过来的目光。广告中所投射的女人,都是在清晨穿着昨晚暴露性感的晚装匆匆回家,显得狼狈万分。好像英国的女人都是寂寞万分的,就靠那些一夜情激起花火,却要承受第二天清晨回家的狼狈。到广告的最后,女人穿着漂亮(不必拉高拉底),还和早上值班的邮差打招呼才走进自己的公寓。这算什么?衣服好看一点、光鲜一些其实可以掩饰昨晚的狼狈?所以人须靠衣装!


Big Ideas Start Small



China Advert - 7Up

These advert series of 7Up is long yet very funny. It was the funniest China advert I have ever since and made me laugh like an idiot. How come they had so much time to elaborate, but then I really love this funny and laugh until you cant stop laughing advert. 没什么能够可以补充,就是太尽兴了!超赞的笑料。


Thai Advert - Hatari & Saving

To me, Thai culture is always closer, and I am more familiar. At the same time, I am very curious, perhaps mostly I do not really understand. I admire its exaggeration and humour, that makes it unique and distinct. I guess, I just need to try harder.


Raindance - It's A Movie

It is an ad for 14th Raindance Film Festival: It's a movie. You should do something.


Adele - Set Fire To The Rain

Amy Winehouse之后,我觉得Adele就是传奇了。《21》才第二章专辑就有很好的成绩。她的嗓音很不经意让我想起EllaFitzgerald。很喜欢她在这表演中的发型,让头发爆炸一下很适合她现在的暴红状况。这专辑中的Someone Like You依然是我的最爱。点击看Someone Like You音乐录影。

Japanese Adverts - Fanta & Tokyo Gas

always adore Japanese culture. I feel very curious and perhaps I like the weirdness in it as well. The weirdness shows certain level of exaggeration, which I like. Just like this advert Fanta, it was presented in a very contradicted way, showing the social perception. The following advert is Tokyo Gas, it is one of those typical Japanese culture I have in mind since the popular era of Japanese series and culture. These two ads give a different impression yet, still very Japanese. And I like it.


Alex ft Jane - If I Could Turn It Back

This feature song, "If I Could Turn It back" is a perfect melancholy as an OST for Korean movie Late Autumn. It was a duet by Alex and Jane, yet the title printed "Alex ft. Jane". Alex is the Alex Chu from Clazziquai and Jane is a singer-songwriter. It is a sad song yet beautiful and it is a tear-bomb song.

Sunday Preview - Korean Romance

Late AutumnCome Rain Come Shine
Korea rising star Hyun Bin has two recent love movies. The first is Come Rain Come Shine by director Lee Yoon-Ki. The splitting couple was stuck in the house by the huge rain and then spent their last day there reminiscing those old days. The second is Late Autumn by director Kim Tae-Yong, it is a remake of a 1960s movie with same-name. It is an enchanting tale of two unlikely misfits who meet and fall in love. So this time, let's get a taste of Korean romance. Watch Come Rain, Come Shine Trailer.


Solvil et Titus - It Takes Times to Understand Love

看了很细腻的铁达时2011版Time Is Love广告,我再看去年2010年版的Time Is Love。广告最后的主题是“唯有时间。让爱,更了解爱”。如果要做一个比较,我会比较喜欢2011年的“这三年间”,因为我实在觉得广告案子拍得很好之余,而且也和品牌比较相关,也更能带出品牌的‘时间性’。这则广告就很纯粹说两人的相遇然后到分手,感觉上产品置入也做得比较勉强。片子也是拍得非常有水准,背景音乐则用上“我愿意”。说真的,选一首好歌,真有画龙点睛的效果。如果我可以比较自由用乐就好了。
After watching the Solvil et Titus Time Is Love advert of 2011, I watched this Time Is Love from 2010. The advert tell the story of encounters of two lovers and it died out along the times. At the end, it says 'it takes times to understand love'. Then in the shorter Christmas version, they missed each other, but at the end, we all knew what they got for Christmas presents. Click here to view the Christmas version.


Solvil et Titus - These Three Years

今天FB朋友在网上分享这则铁达时Time Is Love电视广告“这三年间”,看了感觉很舒服,感觉也很类似台湾广告的感觉(这样说好像台湾特能干出这种创意点子。说真的,也真是台湾才能如此)。这个4分钟版广告我看了几次,也看得很细。整个过程处理的很细腻。片子中那个已经离开的“男人”看起来特有品味:黑胶、漫画、单车、篮球、情信...这简直传说中濒临绝种超有品味的直男。到最后,虽然大家知道卖的产品就是手表,但是大家对这手表的品牌价值肯定因这则广告而觉得那是非常值得珍藏的产品。还有,梅艳芳那首《似水流年》给了片子很对位的feel。再说,这广告的文案写得很到位,很好!
FB friends shared this advert today. It is called "These Three Years" from Solvil et Titus 'Time Is Love' series adverts. Obviously this series is about love and relationship, I am sure even without translation, non-Chinese audience will understand the idea. Times by times as she sold off those stuff to a recycle shop, those things belonged to her 'ex', or someone who had left. It take her very long time (three years) to get rid of 'him'. When she slowly got rid of his staff, the man of the shop slowly had feeling for her. Time is love, and love need times t solidified. Such a feel-good advert!


Project Wise

The Project Wise was launched recently. As the Malay Idiom goes, “Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan”, which means prepare an umbrella before rain. How wise. One of the well-known call-to-action is “#1. Switch off the lights when not in use”. Since last year, my family no longer entertains “switch off lights for an hour”, as throughout the year we have been switching off the lights whenever possible. So I fully support this campaign, actually we should practise that not only until Dec2012, but every possible moment in life. Let’s SAVE! And SAVE the planet.