
Sigur Rós - Ekki múkk

After a long hiatus, Sigur Rós is back with the new album "valtari", on May 28th. This song "Ekki múkk" is taken from the the album. It sounds more Singur Rós than Jonsi (whichever, I still adore).
冬眠过后,Sigur Ros回来了。即将在5月28日推出新专辑《valtari》。听见这首上载的“ Ekki múkk”更叫人迫不及待。真的是很好瘾。


Fun - Carry On

Carry On, another song I like from Fun's Some Nights. It makes me happy to find something I like and have feeling for. I could listen to it all day and feeling nice. Feeling nice is simply essential.
找到好音乐瘾是一件很快乐的多事情,感觉就像你的mailbox没有spam不必delete多余的junk。Fun乐队就是最近的新发现,让我很有feel再次面对生活。生活是美好的,我们要找到其中的乐趣carry on,好好地过。


Fun - We Are Young ft. Janelle Monáe

I loved this song of Fun – We Are Young. I listened to it a few days ago and I always played it these few days. Works are getting bored, colleagues are becoming mundane and not important. Tonight, we are young. I believed one day I would be doing what I wanted to do.

整个下午我都在打瞌睡。介于睡和醒之间,我一直在听着这首Fun的We Are Young。 身体很疲倦。不是不想工作,而是想躺下来睡觉。这首个同事也给了我一些面对生活的勇气。工作开始乏味,我应该活得更好一点。


Room39 - Delay

This is an old song of Room 39 from Thailand. It is called 'Delay' (หน่วง), a R&B song in Thai. A soothing song for Friday evening, without drama and office chaos. I know that my friend Nabila would be having fun at KLCC watching Girls' Generation, I think rather stay at home, with homely music.
又听见Room 39的歌 - หน่วง (延缓)。这次由男主音演唱,曲风R&B,听起来很舒服。感觉就是很舒服。通常礼拜五的晚上就会很早上床睡觉。五日以来的疲累累积到现在,是时候好好补眠,可是却又很爱周末的慵懒也不舍得。就是这样来来回回挣扎着。最终还是听歌,看杂志和上网。今晚是个宅男(几乎都是)。


Room 39 - The Last Station

刚才在网上收听泰国Virgin Hitz 95.5,听见这首Room 39的(最后一站),接着又发现这是泰国3D鬼片《鬼机航班》的主题曲。这部电影即将在马来西亚上映,电台宣传广告下个礼拜二录音,这是一部还蛮恐怖的电影。可是,这首歌还真好听。尤其晚上疲惫的时候特别好瘾。
Room 39 is a Thai pop rock band and this song "The Last Station" is a song for a Thai 3D horror movie "Dark Flight". Gradually I am loving Thai song day and day. It is soothing at night while doing nothing. Wish you all have a great night.


Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up

Jason Mraz的新专辑《Love is a Four Letter Word》即将在4月正式发行。这是首发单曲I Won't Give Up,他唱出生活在苦中一直一直不放弃的悲情。如果你曾经试过从不放弃一个人,很可能就会知道那种再苦也要坚持的感觉。很多事情在当下很苦,可是经历过后才觉得那是成长的其中一部分,那会让自己的生命更加精彩。我一直这样相信着。我也从来没有放弃生命。说真的,我是多么喜欢我的生命,是苦是温馨,都很想继续活下去。请让我好好继续活下去吧。
I won't give up on us even the sky get rough... A touching song especially listen at night. It is not easy to have the courage to live. I wish to live, I want to live, but I might not have a great courage. I always ask myself to be bold, do not waste your life, live fully and never give up on life. I could only hope I could live longer, better. I do not mind I look not younger, I do not have to pretend young. Just live at the moment of now and embrace what I have. I will be happy.


St Patrick - Arthur Guinness

说白了,圣帕特里克节其实就是喝黑啤的最佳借口。我们在这周六中午就到了在Bukit Damansara的Sid's Pub喝酒。当然我是很喜欢和健力士的酒友。如果不是喝酒,我看我还赖在床上继续做我的春秋大梦。可是说道喝酒,尤其是和酒鬼知己一起干杯,就是人逢喜事精神爽。大家聚在一起不知为什么就只知道拼命喝酒,一直笑,不停照相摆出很enjoy的上镜样子。然后喝到我非常疲累才舍得回家。那也只不过是下午5时的事情。
We gathered all Guinness lovers and be at Sid's Pub, Bukit Damansara and started drinking from 12 noon. We drank like nobody's business. We did not bother anyone's comment. We just loved to drink the magic black liquid and had fun and lost our senses in some stupid ways. And of course, the sausages are my favourite pair with beer, that was what made my day. Happy St. Patrick!

Sunday Preview - Take Me Home

我们经常感叹精彩的故事往往只在电影中发生。这个男人没有正牌德士驾照,在纽约企图赚钱,辗转遇上女搭客要他载她到加州。故事就是这样,我相信只发生在令人看得很爽的情节中。那句话:just drive,真想从自己的口中说出来。Just drive,放下一切不顾,就这样上路来一场属于自己的公路电影。每一次我希望这种故事发生在自己的身上时,大家都会告诉我,我看太多电影。你再说多少次我也不在乎。请《Take Me Home》。
Almost towards the end of the trailer, I saw something. I checked them out and found out that they are married couples in real life, and they played the romantic leads in this movie "Take Me Home". It seemed this fact was much more interesting than the movie itself. I mean, this road movie was not anything I had never heard or seen before. But I would love to find out how a real life couple to act in a movie.


25 hours - Beside

25 hours还算蛮红的,有一次周日傍晚听见在开车途中听见fly fm的节目-Asia Addiction听见他们播放25 hours的歌曲,但是我已经忘了是不是这一首。这首歌คนข้างๆ (Beside) 很好瘾,拍得很细腻,好像那个男人和女人过马路,男人自动挡在女人的前面,这实在很细腻,而且这一幕不造作。当然其它的情节有它煽情的地方,但是,这MV看了之后特别对生命中的各种关怀有感动。这是一首泰国pop rock,特别推荐给很需要爱和关怀的我们。窝心的感觉,来自你身旁的那个人。
I heart this song, as well as the MV. 25 hours is quite a popular band in Thailand. I listened this song through Virgin Hitz 95.5 online and then I found out this lovely video. Don't we all need care from somebody? be it little or serious, we need cares from people beside. Don't be stingy, give loves to people around us. Make lives beautiful, with simple heartful moves.


Drawsomething Craziness

Most of my colleagues were crazy about playing this drawing-guessing game: Drawsomething. All of them were so into it. I saw them laughed to themselves, laughing at others' drawings and I joint them as well. Actually, I kind of liked this game, it encouraged some arts and the knowledge to guess and vocabulary as well. Wait till I have an Android phone. By then, I reckon everyone will not be so passionate anymore.




Sunday Preview - L'Accordeur

本来要写稿,却在网络游荡,在虚拟世界做个无所事事游民。一个不小心看完了这部法国微电影,名为《L'Accordeur》(调音师)。说真的,这短片很精彩,结尾很强。男主角是Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet,就是那个出现在《Love Songs》和《The Army of Crime》的男主角之一。
This short film is called "The Piano Tuner" (L'Accordeur) by Oliver Treiner. It's is impressive, and it has a great plot which served the end of it. I thought it is brilliant and I liked it.





只是走了一小段路,就让我想起以前的日子。I really do not mind walking。一路上有风有雨滴,天不放晴,却是一个让人感觉悠闲的午后。我经过了一个做睦邻的草场和中心,几个印族同胞在小亭子午餐,那是多么棒且很户外的联谊活动。如果我向朋友建议,大家可能会傻眼看我。

真的,I do not mind walking。我还希望有人可以陪我走这段路。