
Is There A Moment of Too Much Vodka?

What do you feel right when the first mouth you know that there is too much vodka instead of coke? What the fuck! Exactly. But after a few minutes, I did not really care much. The more the better. I might not stand the strong taste of vodka at the beginning, and I knew it was just at the beginning, as later, I would complain there was not much vodka. I might get irritated and complained about measurement. But later, I would think that I am a person who know how to complain and at the end I got extra shots for my drink. Idiot. I would love to think that I was a well-mannered person, or a nice person, or perhaps a good person to befriend with. You know? like those harmless little friendly bee that give you only sweet honey. I loved to think about that, not only when I was drinking, also when I was sober. And speaking of that, I needed more vodka now.

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