
#真人假事:奇奇蒂蒂 Chip'n'Dale

小麦的好朋友群中,有两个同行,所以聊起同行八卦特别投机。一个同行不再从事广告转行当上楼盘市场经理,事业钱途从一线曙光到艳阳高照。另一个是独立广告制片晓玲,没有工作时就找小麦一起做运动看电影酗咖啡八是非。有一次同约去看动漫电影《K Missing Kings》,虽然小麦和晓玲都很哈日,却还是对每每动漫美男出场就失禁尖叫的那些少女们翻白眼。
“Gosh! I don’t know they will get wet over fictional anime characters. Will you?”
“Are you kidding?”
“Perhaps we are not as ‘young’ as them.”
“May be I should try anime porn!”
“Kinky. I think you will.”
“Y’know, just to experience. You should try too.”
“No but thanks.”
“What’s your favourite cartoon character?”
“Chip and Dale. Why?”
“Have you ever imagine your favourites cartoon characters are doing porn?”
“Yiks! You’re disgusting.”
“Yeah I know. But don’t you think it’s very Japanese style of kinky?”

小麦的玩笑有时会不知觉地跨越界限,身边的朋友都很想巴他。不过没想到哈日的晓玲竟然不是喜欢小叮当、IQ博士、龙猫这些动漫类型,而是迪士尼的货色。Chip ‘n’ Dale 奇奇和蒂蒂是迪士尼创造的双胞胎卡通花粟鼠。奇奇有黑色的鼻子和一颗突出的大门牙。蒂蒂的鼻子又大又红,且有两颗虎牙,所以也称钢牙和大鼻。奇奇的逻辑性较强,蒂蒂则常常少根筋,所以故事情节多半是奇奇扮演策划主谋,蒂蒂扮演执行从犯,并藉由蒂蒂出人意表的脱序行动爆发笑点。奇奇蒂蒂相映成趣可能就是晓玲喜欢他们的原因。
“You prefer Chip or Dale?”
“Or you like them both?”
“In porn…”小麦打趣。
“You animal!”
“If you say one of them, I would just give you one of them. Luckily you say both.”
“You want to be the Chip or Dale?”
“I guess Dale suit you best.”晓玲不假思索回答。
“I guess Chip suit you well.We can be a team!”


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