
#真人假事:大嘴猴·Paul Frank

小光的Instagram就像纪录片一样,上载了他生活的点点滴滴,诸如早安自拍、耍酷自拍、新发型自拍、星巴克自拍、临睡祝美梦自拍……还有健身进展、美食佳肴、是日服装、节庆聚会、鸡尾酒派对等等这些陈词滥调之外,还包括蔚蓝天空+心情写照、旅途风景、建筑艺术、朋友寄来的明信片、可爱玩具、自制手工艺品、个人画作……真是包罗万象、应有尽有,唯恐全世界不知道他的生活多姿多彩。久久未见面的朋友可以省掉聊近况的时间,因为只要浏览他的脸书和Instagram就完全知情。小麦也是因此而得知小光也喜欢大嘴猴Paul Frank。

“你有品味。你跟Paul Frank的合照很可爱叻!”
“可怜咯……”小麦闪过同情的表情后说:“可是你也不是feed on likes的人。”

"You have more likes than me, it makes me feel so jealous."
"Well, don't be. If you take the number of friends into consideration, my percentage of likes is actually much lesser!"
"Thanks for bringing it up. But I feel my wound has just been treated with salt."
"Why so?"
"Because not only you have more likes, you also seize the chance to brag you have more friends."
"Many of them are not my real friends, I don’t really know them. I responded their adds only out of courtesy."
"Gosh! I wish I have your popularity and kindness."
小光安慰小麦:“算了吧,你也不是那种feed on likes的人。”然后嘴巴笑得像大嘴猴一样。

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