
張震嶽 - 我會想念妳

I do not listen to Chinese songs often and I do not have a concrete reason. But when I listen, I always go back to those I like, such as A Yue. He is one of my favourites, as a matter of fact, he might be the only one who is appealing to me. I like his directness and simplicity, those words suddenly become his songs. And also, I am liking his attitude. This song, I'll Miss You, I like it a lot. I will miss you, till I see you again...


Beirut - Goshen



Roman Polanski - Carnage

精彩的剧本,就该由资深的演员演绎。我看了导演Roman Polanski的新片《Carnage》(今晚谁当家)我就即可爱上这个故事。两对父母因为各自孩子的争执约好在一格下午讨论这件事情。故事有很夸张的元素和歇斯底里的人物性格,而且有很浓的另类幽默。一个这么简单的故事,感觉却很有张力。而且演员的演技很精彩,我很想马上就看。
Carnage is a film by Roman Polanski adapted from Yasmina Reza's play, which makes the film interesting. The characters are hysterical, I reckon the actors enjoyed playing those characters. This makes me want to read the play and see the play. Both Yasmina Reza and Roman Polanski are talented!

Sigur Ros - Festival

This song was featured in the movie 127 Hours. They uploaded the this video not long ago. It was fantastic to see them live, I had a chance when I was in London. I always love their music, till now. And this track is fantastic, heart-touching. I could forget everything else, like a instant breakaway.


Joanna Wang - Times of Your Life

赶完手头上的工作,我想我要好好正视自己的生活。目前不能面对,却刚好冲着而来。濒临崩溃好几次,也总希望能够找个出口。我觉得我已经变了,变成一个自己也不喜欢的人。我的脾气变得很大很暴力。我变得一意孤行。我看事情的眼光带有很多不肖。然后,我一直认为那些刻苦铭心的经历让我如此。可是,我也不能走不出阴影长期以这位借口。我也不想再浪费仅有的丁点青春。就这样吧:times of your life, is determined by yourself.





Sunday Preview - Feeling A Little Bit Gay

我不是一个喜欢gay-themed电影的人,但是我看了这部关于两个男人在周末邂逅的电影预告片《Weekend》,我就像一见钟情喜欢上这部电影的节奏、画面和音乐(预告的音乐好听,希望电影本身亦如此)。这是一部关于美好邂逅,然后要对生活做选择的故事,表达了现代人所面对的生活。我们可能遇见浪漫,但是我们好像也不想放弃对生活的理想。还真想看这部电影。另外一部是Run Lola Run导演Tom Tykwer的新电影《3》,说得是两男一女的三角恋情性爱(女男、男女、男男),当然Tom Tykwer的电影手法常识引人注目,可是,就故事而言,我还是喜欢从不刻意的角色引发深一层的思考。
Weekend is not just a movie about gay one-night stand, it explores more than that, about life, what you wish to do in life. That is what fascinates me, about encounters of human being, albeit any kind of relationships. The trailer makes us believe the film is watchable. A new film by Tom Tykwer, 3 , is about triangle relationship among a woman and two men. This is a full triangle sex and relationship. So, let's see...trailer 3.


I Break Horses - Winter Beats

这是瑞典乐队I Break Horses的首发专辑《Hearts》。乐种属于shoegaze,有许多电子音乐的indie。听不清他们唱什么,一直在呢喃着歌词。但是无损歌曲的美妙。或许就是爱上这种类型的音乐而一直在寻找这些自己喜欢的声音。听到这些音乐,就有很大的感动。
Hearts is the first album by Swedish duo I Break Horses. Even the name suggested they listen to Smog, but it was a total different story. I like the ambiance created, a bit cold and loitering on the same point and keep repeating. Like a loop, you hardly get out of it. Recarnation.


Beirut - Santa Fe

听了几回Beirut的新专辑The Rip Tide,真的很喜欢。每一次寻找音乐时,都希望能找到好听的音乐。这次的收获是Beirut的The Rip Tide,真是欣慰。这首Santa Fe的取名来自Zach Condon的家乡,美国新墨西哥的Santa Fe。高兴得我可以不要睡觉,就一直抽烟在屋檐下散步听歌喝威士忌(就这样给我喝精光)。每一次遇到自己喜欢的音乐获电影,就是如此酗酒和抽烟,日子真是美好。夜晚仿佛全世界的人都睡过去,就只剩我徘徊在清新的空气中享受着这份小小的喜悦。
The Rip Tide is a pleasant surprise from Beirut. The album is about half and hour with 9 songs and all are fantastic. This song Santa Fe is named after Zach Condon's hometown. I love Vagabond and Goshen 1. I listened to the song at night while smoking and drinking whiskey. Lovely quiet night, with brass folk from Beirut. Indeed, I was enjoying the happy moment.


Beirut - Postcards from Italy

发现Beirut乐队的第三章专辑《The Rip Tide》,才发现这首第一张专辑《Gulag Orkestar》的单曲“Postcards from Italy”,感觉像倒退式认识某个人。但是,我就是喜欢上Zach Condon和Beirut乐队的音乐。如果当年中学时期的铜乐队是大搞这种音乐,我肯定要加入。听说这首歌是他在游历法国时写的。年纪轻轻就尽显才情。我相信一定要跟着你的直觉寻找自己的方向。我觉得他那时的勇气就是发挥了这个让他继续的功能。赞~!
Beirut - Gulag Orkestar
Postcards from Italy is a single from Beirut first album Gulag Orkestar. I read the story of Beirut. Singer songwriter Zach Condon left school at 16 and traveled across Europe and fell in love with Balkan folk. He wrote this song when he was in France. Those foreign influences has made a huge impact on his music, and people always call his music world music + indie folk. Florence and the Machine did a cover of this Postcards from Italy.


Heineken Light - The Handlebar Moustache

其实我并没有不喜欢这Heineken Light的广告,也没有太喜欢,只是一直在想,如果这个点子产生后要如何sell给客户,要如何说服客户。在我的生命中,好像没有做过类似这种广告,其实也没有想过如此点子的广告。我不知道我是否可以创作如此的广告。参考了以后好像也觉得不是办不到。最终还是回到那一时回绕在脑里的问题 - 客户buy不buy。可是如果换成了我是客户,我会buy类似这种点子吗?


Zee Avi - Swell Window

目前这是Zee Avi最新专辑《ghostbirds》中我最喜欢的单曲Swell Window。很小品式的甜蜜,简简单单。听了特能消除炎热天气的厌烦。假日的轻松和舒适,就这样回来了,很好过。
Working during this 3-day holidays seemed heavy to me. I felt unwilling but helpless, yet I would never say no to works. I would not call myself pathetic, but I guess it was time to work out something for my age now. So, just stick with it. This song, Swell Windown from "ghostbirds" soothed me, works had become easier.


Jeff Bridges - What a Little of Love Can Do

如果没记错,Jeff Bridges今年61岁。这张同名专辑《Jeff Bridges》是他首发的录音专辑,这首What a Little Bit of Love Can Do是首发单曲。他在电影《Crazy Heart》演绎一名堕落的乡村民谣歌手获得了奥斯卡最佳男主角,16首歌曲他唱了5首。接着他和Blue Note Records签约出唱片。想不到演活了一名歌手,同时也让自己成为一名歌手。我举手举脚恭贺Jeff Bridges!
Jeff Bridges released his first self titled studio album Jeff Bridges via Blue Note Records and EMI records. He has proved he could be a real country singer in the film Crazy Heart. The album is quite blues, and yes, we have a mature voice singer who is not about idol but real music. What else could I say besides 'talented'? Bravo!