
Beirut - Postcards from Italy

发现Beirut乐队的第三章专辑《The Rip Tide》,才发现这首第一张专辑《Gulag Orkestar》的单曲“Postcards from Italy”,感觉像倒退式认识某个人。但是,我就是喜欢上Zach Condon和Beirut乐队的音乐。如果当年中学时期的铜乐队是大搞这种音乐,我肯定要加入。听说这首歌是他在游历法国时写的。年纪轻轻就尽显才情。我相信一定要跟着你的直觉寻找自己的方向。我觉得他那时的勇气就是发挥了这个让他继续的功能。赞~!
Beirut - Gulag Orkestar
Postcards from Italy is a single from Beirut first album Gulag Orkestar. I read the story of Beirut. Singer songwriter Zach Condon left school at 16 and traveled across Europe and fell in love with Balkan folk. He wrote this song when he was in France. Those foreign influences has made a huge impact on his music, and people always call his music world music + indie folk. Florence and the Machine did a cover of this Postcards from Italy.

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