
Ken Hirai - Yume no Mokou de

终于听完了平井坚的最新专辑《Japanese Singer》,这首Yume no Mokou de (梦のむこうで (映画「星守る犬」主题歌))收录在专辑中。这是一首浪漫抒情歌,尝过爱情味道的人都听得出其中的情意。在这列特地和大家分享。其实专辑里有一首歌我特别喜欢的歌,很活泼、很爵士,平井坚的确很放胆地去唱,将自己美丽的嗓音诠释的有如其外观一样帅气。这首歌是Girls 3X。听得很过瘾。
Finally I had a brief listen of Ken Hirai's latest album "Japanese Singer". It achieved the standard and hardly anyone would ignore it or just treat it as another thing. His vocal performance was brilliant. This song, Yume no Mokou de, was a love song that will touch our hearts with all those feelings of love. There was another song, which I love most, it was called "Girls 3X". He showed his playfulness with his vocal and it was brilliant. Jazzy and lively and moving. Ken Hirai can be very playful, especially with his voice. Love it!

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