
Plastic Bertrand - Ça Plane Pour Moi

電影《127小時》有這一幕:當男主角困在冰冷的大峽谷接近絕望時,他想像在他的車裡擠了一群嬉皮士般的俊男美女紛紛在脫衣。當時的配樂就是這首Plastic Bertrand唱的“Ça Plane Pour Moi”(直譯:對我而言就像滑行)。這首歌配得很恰當,予人的感覺就是年輕就該盡情玩樂,超能影射當時男主角的心情。也因為這樣,我也一直聽ca plane pour moi。

"Ça Plane Pour Moi"是比利時歌手Plastic Bertrand於1977年發行的單曲,當時大受歡迎。許多電影用上了,也有很多人翻唱,現在聽起來還是快樂味道十足。
The BossHoss featured Plastic Bertrand in their MV(youtube above). Plastic Bertrand performed Ça Plane Pour Moi on TOTP 1978. Australian band Midnight Juggernauts did an acoustic cover of Ça plane pour moi also. And there was a remix version by Sonic Youth. It was featured in 127 Hours (when James Franco dreamed of boys and girls squeezed in a small car, taking off their clothes in a cold weather somewhere in the Grand Canyon). It was the third song I liked from 127 hours soundtrack. Ça Plane Pour Moi literally means it's gliding for me, which all guess, gliding comes the feeling of smooth, so it would mean all goes well for me. And indeed, listen to this song and feel all things go perfectly well and happy. Enjoy.

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