
Oliver Koletzki feat. Fran - Hypnotized

这一周可以说很Berlin Calling,不知不觉爱上德国DJ/电子音乐。德国监制兼唱片骑手Oliver Koletzki发行了三张专辑,分别是2007的《Get Wasted》及2010的《Lovestoned》,其中单曲“Hypnotized”(被催眠)收录于2009的《Großstadtmärchen》。每每周末就很想听这种音乐,偶尔也很恋很俱乐部的dance音乐,却比较多倾向于那些不缓不急且很适合lounge的音乐,那些就算坐着喝酒也能感觉到一些摇摆气氛的音乐。不管周末晚有没有心血来潮要到俱乐部,都会惯性听这种对我而言属于周末不上班的音乐 (虽然,其实我这个周末在赶稿喷字)。
Oliver Koletzki is a German producer and DJ, so this song would be expected to sound like club music. Recently I got to listen music by Germans, perhaps it was a series of co-incidences, and I was hypnotized to dream of being at all those clubs in Berlin and dancing: we have a drink/ then go outside/ talk for a while/and then we kiss. It was best to feel the beat during weekend even I might not have a concrete plan to do clubbing, but the tune suited the weekend perfectly.

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