
FRIM: Love Nature


这班很可爱的旧同事也跟我一样很喜欢大自然,所以我们特别约在一个周二早晨到甲洞森林局晨运兼野餐,因为今天是公假,所以人特别多。这个周六因为吊桥维修所以没有登上那段比较艰辛的路程。我们还是沿这Rover Track上山,然后循着瀑布走下山到达野餐的地方。


I am not a gym person. I have tried and it does not work and it is waste of times and money. I am more like a outdoor person, perhaps I was a scout during primary and high school days. Most of my friends like to go to gym, so it is a bit hard for me to get friends to go with me. Friends are the best motivation.

One Tuesday morning, which was an off day for Malaysian, my nature-lovers x-colleagues cum friends and I went to FRIM for a lovely walk and picnic. We packed a lot of food, as if the main purpose was eating but not exercising. We took the Rover Track but did not went up to the canopy walk as it was closed today. We tracked down along the waterfall and reached the picnic area. It was satisfied to eat after sweating.

It was a nice and lovely morning, just like the old days I had.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I also love simple life, food and activity : )

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