
Lish's Birthday

It was Lish’s 34th birthday and I made her a mask with birthday message on it. The mask was simple to make, of course, it was very primary school kid stuff but it was full of fun and very Instagram-friendly. And the food at Ju Ne Japanese Restaurant was delicious.
Ju • Ne Japanese Restaurant 樹音: Block A4, Level G2, Unit 4A-2G-3A, Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.


Nice Design Speaker

Want a Nixon Blaster?
or a transparent speaker from People People?
I want both.


Michael Haneke - Amour



Georges and Anne are in their eighties. they are cultivated, retired music teachers.
Their daughter, who is also a musician, lives abroad with her family. One day, Anne has a stroke and the couple's bond of love is severely tested.

Finally Amour is showing in Malaysia during the 2013 European Union Film Festival. I watched with my anticipated x-colleagues and it was a great experience. This film was not only great because it won Palme d'or and many awards, but the film itself had a very good point of view about being old, and actress Emmanuelle Riva delivered a superb performance.


Reinventing Retail

Extracted from Monocle:

Blackmarket is among the region's pioneers melding fashion and art. It has an active network of some of heregion's most daring artists and fashion designers, but a firm foot in mainstream retail too.

Gabbani is an old-school family business that lives or dies on its name: Francesco on food and drink, his brother Domenico bosses the hotel, Mama and Pap oversee the whole shebang.

Noble. The staff are expert and passionate about wine, and it's ideally placed in a community that rates quality, service and design.

Baker D Chirico, Melbourne. The bold designs and playful delivery draw the customers in but it's Daniel's genuine passion for a good product that keeps his shops bustling.

Intersect By Lexus is a project with bigh imagination beyond the product and long-term goals.

Yakushima Messenger. Kikuchi moved here because of its natural beauty and his business  is a way for him to contribute to the island's preservation.

La Central. Allowing each bookshop to evolve according to local demand rather than a rigid model.

K11 Art Mall is innovating while other retail developers in China are stuck in a rut. The concept should avoid gimmicks and become a true platform for the city's art scene.

This is Mahalle's answer to the cosmopolitan food halls found in London and New York. Yet it is cleverly rooted in Turkish food culture with a strong identity.

J.Crew's strength is both its consistency - as a seller of casual classics - and its multi-faceted approach. Drexler's and Lyon's role has been to steer these divergent paths yet deliver great design and high-quality clothing and services.

Semley is a non-profit outfit staffed by volunteers and stocked with them in mind. If its members ask for a servise or a product they usually get it.

Warby ParkerThe bus is an opportunity to have a physical presence in new markets and serves as a way of seeing in which cities it would be worth opening a permanent shop.

Greyhound has a strong identity that can migrate from fashion to food.

Tsutaya. By attracting more users, the library is being put to better use and has become a source of local pride.

Press Tea. The project takes the apparatus and culture of the coffee industry to a new product.

Jelmoli has taken a traditional formula and injected new life by taking on luxury labels and investing in customer services. Balancing these changes with the brand's unique Swissness had been its real achievement.

With its focus on premium products and design the Liquor Control Board combines the weight of state buyer with an expert, discerning approach. Despite the recession, the board turned its largest profit ever this year, $128.4m - largely off a 6% annual gain in wine sales.


Sekinchan Paddy Field

Sekinchan is famous for its paddy plantation. We saw many green paddy fields and instantly felt hearts opened wide. We quickly ran to the field and touched the paddy, took picture with the paddy as if they are our friends and bought them for meals at home later. They were adorably short and fat.

Pantai Redang

We came to this Redang Beach at Sekinchan to catch some breezes and embrace the Sun by the sea. There were many visitors on this public holiday. Some were walking by the beach, Some were sitting at by the hawkers enjoying some light meal and drinks. It was pleasant but the beach was not very clean. We ate ice-cream and did not litter the beach at all. We wanted it to look clean and beautiful.

Bukit Melawati



Clock Tower at Bukit Melawati;
colourful train-car going up to hill top;
Malay style house;
light tower at top of Bukit Melawati;
feeding monkeys;
I could not remember when is the previous family trip as it was long time ago. So we decided to visit Kuala Selangor on this public holiday, Awal Muharram, which was about an hour drive from Kuala Lumpur. We had been busy working with computer and playing the phone, so we wanted to spend precious times to attach with family and detach from devices. 

Bukit Melawati was the first sight-seeing destination. Instead of walking up the hill, we took the colourful train. It instantly brought back my childhood memory as a kid who love fun and adventure. The views at the top of Melawati Hill was breathtaking, we saw the coastline from high.

The highlight was to bought food and fed the monkeys. They were not over aggressive but very demanding, only left when they are given food. There was a mother with son attached climbed on me and tried to get food. I stood there and let people take some pictures. It was fun.


A Postcard from London

This is the postcard I got from Kyle while he traveled to London. I miss London very much. I wish I could visit again very soon.


FRIM: Love Nature


这班很可爱的旧同事也跟我一样很喜欢大自然,所以我们特别约在一个周二早晨到甲洞森林局晨运兼野餐,因为今天是公假,所以人特别多。这个周六因为吊桥维修所以没有登上那段比较艰辛的路程。我们还是沿这Rover Track上山,然后循着瀑布走下山到达野餐的地方。


I am not a gym person. I have tried and it does not work and it is waste of times and money. I am more like a outdoor person, perhaps I was a scout during primary and high school days. Most of my friends like to go to gym, so it is a bit hard for me to get friends to go with me. Friends are the best motivation.

One Tuesday morning, which was an off day for Malaysian, my nature-lovers x-colleagues cum friends and I went to FRIM for a lovely walk and picnic. We packed a lot of food, as if the main purpose was eating but not exercising. We took the Rover Track but did not went up to the canopy walk as it was closed today. We tracked down along the waterfall and reached the picnic area. It was satisfied to eat after sweating.

It was a nice and lovely morning, just like the old days I had.


Baek Zi Young - Crying


Baek Zi Young (백지영)  - Crying (울고만있어) (Good Doctor (굿닥터) OST)
This is the OST for a very good Korean Drama " Good Doctor". I really love to see this drama, it has substance and the storyline is welldone. It is a serious production that give high standard. 

YoonMiRae - Touch Love


There is a very interesting Korean drama, "Master's Sun", showing now at KBS World. The teaser diverted us to think that it was a horror girl-seeing-ghosts drama, but the main story was about human relationship. I kind of like it. 


Listen to The Rhythm Of The Rain

This is the lovely song for the movie "Rhythm of The Rain" (聽見下雨的聲音)

百葉窗折射的光影 像有著心事的一張表情 
而你低頭拆信 想知道關於我的事情 
青苔入鏡 簷下風鈴 搖晃曾經 
回憶是一行行無從剪接的風景 愛始終年輕 
而我聽見下雨的聲音 想起你用唇語說愛情 
幸福也可以很安靜 我付出一直很小心 
終於聽見下雨的聲音 於是我的世界被吵醒 
就怕情緒紅了眼睛 不捨的淚在彼此的臉上透明 
愛在過境 緣份不停 誰在擔心 
窗台上滴落的雨滴 輕敲著傷心 淒美而動聽 
而我聽見下雨的聲音 想起你用唇語說愛情 
熱戀的時刻最任性 不顧一切的給約定 
終於聽見下雨的聲音 於是我的世界被吵醒 
發現你始終很靠近 默默的陪在我身邊 態度堅定


SHINee - Boys Meet U

韩国男团SHINee (샤이니)推出新日文单曲“Boys Meet U”,真是韩流侵入日风!《Boys Meet U》是他们第2张原创日语专辑,于2013年6月26日发行。如果听不懂或每听过韩文/日文,就很难分辨得出他们唱的是哪一种语言,因为感觉很Kpop。不过,认真听清楚、听久一些,就会发觉其实那是日文。

SHINee 2nd Japanese album "Boys Meet U" is out now! I am not a particular fan for boy bands but I am slowly getting into it. May be I am injecting the young blood into myself to feel my youth, just may be.

Petition for Stronger Gun Laws in US

States United To Prevent Gun Violence 防枪暴力组织为了征求更多的折回民众加入请愿书,发出了这则广告。这则广告非常简单:一个看似应该是老职员的男人冲进办公室企图对上师开枪。没有交代任何理由或来龙去脉,就是展现人类会开枪的这一刻情绪。我赞成更严谨的枪管!

Simple and powerful: Guns have changed, shouldn't our gun laws? This ad has the effects, but not just because of that. For a long time, I wish the gun laws to be tighten.

Haruki Murakami - Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

I have been wanting to read Haruki Murakami's new fiction for a long time. The new book has been published but I have to wait for the Chinese translation...
很期待村上春树的新作《没有色彩的多崎作和他的巡礼之年》。或许在阅读之前,先多了解Lazar Berman演奏奥地利作曲家Franz Liszt的《Years of Pilgrimage》与美国后抽象派艺术家Morris Louis的画作。


Cherry Blossom at Yeouido


We came to Yeouido to see the cherry trees blossom. I came from a country with all-year-summer, so this first time of seeing blossom during the spring made me very excited. I love its light pink colour. I could also smell the mild aroma in the air. Everyone there was full of joy of spring. It is absolutely happy to see lives blossom. I immerse myself in this beautifulness quietly for a very long time.


Weekend Getaway to Cameron Highlands


接着,我们到巴拉别墅(Bala's Chalet and Restaurant)继续我们的下午茶时光。我们点了司康烤饼和茶,这也是我们到金马伦必吃的食物。我们一致认为,我们在吉隆坡时都没有闲情吃这类食品。可是一到此处,就一定得到英国式房屋和吃司康烤饼,而且一定要加上牛油、奶油和草莓酱。很有满足感!之后我们继续阅读,享受宁静的下午时光。
