
Google: Extra Spicy

众所周知translate.google.com还未达到智能翻译的地步,如果全部照抄,除了懒惰真的没有其它借口。请用脑想一想,如果你的翻译和Google translate一模一样,谁还有你翻译?谷歌百般心思设计translate.google.com,其实还有一个很实际的作用 - 它备有各种语言的发音。以下这则广告就是跟着translate.google.com的功能,没有拐弯直接诠释其功能的广告。说真的,其魅力不在广告本身,而是产品本身的功能。
These two girls used tranlsate.google.com to order Indian take away in Hindi. Even the function was not smart enough, but it was good enough to get them order what they wanted in Hindi. So basically it is a brilliant tool to learn a new language. It won some Cannes Lions this year in internet film category. The idea was damn simple, just showing the innovative function of Google translate. I reckoned most of the users have already been using translate.google.com even they did not watch this video ad, just like most of us did not see any typical ad of iPad as the product speak fully for itself.

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