
BlackBerry Messenger - South East Asia Ads

黑莓即时通系列广告看起来、听起来平易近人。我看了五则广告,各2分钟,包括了马来西亚的服装设计师Sonny San、新加坡演员Eunice Olsen、印尼明星Annisa Pohan、泰国歌星Chin Chinawut和菲律宾足球员Phil Younghusband。这些广告重点强调各种星级岗位的专业人士如何善用BlackBerry Messenger。广告方向的呈现方式很生活化,广告主角的叙述也非常自然,广告稿写得很贴切明星本身,也凸现了messenger的功能。当然,我喜欢这句广告词:Do What You Live, Live What You Do。明星们会在最后这样说:I am not (his/her profession), I am BB Messenger.


I saw these BlackBerry Messenger campaign which focused on South East Asia - Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines - and I quite liked it. It was 2 minutes for each promo. They talk smoothly and naturally, as if it is not scripted. The scripts were done brilliantly to capture each features of BBM and focused on each profession and individual needs.

SEA region shares lots of culture, weather, languages and we are closed. So, I love this feeling of SEA and I am building my social network across this region, which is my origin. My mother tongue is highly mixed and kind of a hybrid of all these. Wishfully we grow excellent!

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