
Bird Thongchai - Don't Do Like This

泰国老牌歌星Bird Thongchai的新歌MV,剧情也设了男女恋爱和妒忌的情节,由《Hello Stranger》演员Chunthawit Thanasewi和Nuengthida Sophon出演。借电影《Hello Stranger》的余热继续炒炸,这实是推波助澜的明智之举。要在娱乐圈历久,有时借助其他人的力,尤其当自己年纪渐渐长大时,年轻的势力实在不可忽视。我没有特别喜欢这首歌,但是我喜欢看《Hello Stranger》里的他和她,我完全处在Hello Stranger效应(同时我也顺便听了这首歌,你看,这就是顺搭)
The Hello Stranger effect was all over me. I fell in love with the characters, the soundtrack, the feature hit song, I even knew the name of director. Then I came across the new song sang by Bird Thongchai. This MV featured a love story with the same actor and actress from the movie Hello Stranger. The plot is different, but the ingredients are almost the same. The guy in the MV get jealous as the other guy approached her. He scolded her, she slapped him, she ran away, he could not find her......we all know how it ends. (Just that, really, I do not need another remake of Hello Stranger, It had been perfect in my memory.) Passingly, I listened to the song, where my initial intention was just to watched them. Clever.

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