
Teacher's Diary

《教师日记》的故事从新男教师发现旧女教师的日记开始,在偏僻郊区水上学校茫无头绪生活的同时幸好有这本日记作为指引,也是解愁治寂的良药。因为走过相同的路,因为拥有相近的想法,于是男教师希望能预见这位女教师。故事的出发和概念很能制造心连心的感动,唯独故事的铺陈不够利落且有些情节过于俗套。虽然如此,我还是看得很开心,尤其25 Hours这首〈ไม่ต่างกัน〉我百听不厌。

Lonesome is a one of the most difficult feelings in life. Working alone and being alone need much courage. Sometimes, to make our dreams come true, we need not to give up even we are alone on the way. I enjoyed watching this Thai movie "Teacher's Diary", for its jokes, romance and above all, to understand yourself and take the path that suit you. Lastly, this song sung by 25 Hours is awesome, I love it very much.