
Bowling - If She Will Love

หากเธอจะรัก (Hahk Tur Ja Rak, If She Will Love), featuring ปราโมทย์ฯ, from Bowling Manida Reuangsri's album "Strike". A love song, a duet. I wish you like it. I wish you find love. I wish you could forget the past, move on and love again.


Les Misérables

雨果的杰作《悲惨世界》真令人感动。我在伦敦时去看了一场歌剧Les Misérables。今年12月希望有机会看此片。这片头,播出了Anne Hathaway演唱的I Dreamed a Dream。我还记得看歌剧时我掉下了眼泪,我被故事的悲惨感动。我希望爱不死。