
張震嶽 A Yue - The Feelings I Wanted

阿岳的歌总是那么爱听。这首“我想要的感觉”最近我一直重复在听。这首歌的抒发和用上口琴的搭配,让我想起Alannis Morrissette,都是歌手写出、唱出自己想法的歌曲。这张EP有很多不同曲风的歌,迷你专辑中就可展示阿岳多种音乐风貌,但是,这些音乐依然是我们熟悉的阿岳。心目中的阿岳,又再一次回到心里。
Another song, The Feelings I Wanted, from A-Yue's latest EP Empty Handed.

Endless night, changes in seconds.
Once happy, once frown.
Calculating day by day,
Which day I will get the feelings I want.

Try to change, hope it gets better.
Only found it has been changing.
Scruples of life, left only risks,
beyond control.

Chaos of the world always so absolute.
Sad music again and again.
How I face the tiresome of weightlessness,
I don't like this feeling.

Boring world is always sad.
lies and ambiguity again and again.
When I turn back, you have not gone far.
It makes me feel peace.


No More Tear - I Did Not Compose the Song

泰国青春喜剧片SuckSeed故事围绕着组乐队、泡妞和校园比赛,当然少不了有乐队撑场,片中的主题曲就是由No More Tear演唱的。这支乐队很新,而且电影也很敢用他们。通常,电影会用一些有知名度的歌手来趁机宣传影片。会用一些有知名度的演员提高自己的收视率。影片中的年轻演员都是新生,乐队也才出过一张专辑。这该是说,一部电影有好剧本加上一个好的制作方程式,也是可以出头!
The introduction for the Thai rock band No More Tear was humble. It said that it was a small one, and they were preparing the second album after "Yellow Light". Well, it is great to start off small. But then they had a superb exposure for performing theme song in the teeny movie SuckSeed. Good luck! Oh, please visit their website and watch Enjoy Everyday videos.


Chayanop Boonprakob - SuckSeed


这种商业片的故事,看了预告后就可以猜到情节和结果。但是,其中的泰国民风笑料,才是精彩之处。而且,这种电影一定有流行音乐搭配,和一首主催得主题曲。我们要这样认同:泰国的电影乃是东南亚之最。Dee krap!
Another comedy film about youth from GTH! These 3 high school kids formed a band just to woo girls. They called the band "SuckSeed", phonetic to "succeed". The actors and actresses are mostly first-timer and young! I wjust wish to laugh in the cinema watching this film.

The Texas Monthly Rolling Roadshow Posters

I came across these movie posters and I like them completely. They are from The Texas Monthly Rolling Roadshow presented by The Alamo Drafthouse. The website url is http://drafthouse.com/texasfilms.


Bird Thongchai - Don't Do Like This

泰国老牌歌星Bird Thongchai的新歌MV,剧情也设了男女恋爱和妒忌的情节,由《Hello Stranger》演员Chunthawit Thanasewi和Nuengthida Sophon出演。借电影《Hello Stranger》的余热继续炒炸,这实是推波助澜的明智之举。要在娱乐圈历久,有时借助其他人的力,尤其当自己年纪渐渐长大时,年轻的势力实在不可忽视。我没有特别喜欢这首歌,但是我喜欢看《Hello Stranger》里的他和她,我完全处在Hello Stranger效应(同时我也顺便听了这首歌,你看,这就是顺搭)
The Hello Stranger effect was all over me. I fell in love with the characters, the soundtrack, the feature hit song, I even knew the name of director. Then I came across the new song sang by Bird Thongchai. This MV featured a love story with the same actor and actress from the movie Hello Stranger. The plot is different, but the ingredients are almost the same. The guy in the MV get jealous as the other guy approached her. He scolded her, she slapped him, she ran away, he could not find her......we all know how it ends. (Just that, really, I do not need another remake of Hello Stranger, It had been perfect in my memory.) Passingly, I listened to the song, where my initial intention was just to watched them. Clever.

Sunday Preview - Documentary

I came across a few movie trailers and one of those is this documentary called Tabloid by Errol Morris. The trailer is interesting. I always feel that documentary is such difficult category of film. It hardly interesting, or it is difficult to make it interesting. I am amazed by this beauty queen (in the documentary).

Tarantino: The Disciple of Hong Kong is a French documentary by Jac & Johan. We all know that Tarantino has passion in Hong Kong cinema. It is good to be reminded, but I hope there is another point of view introduced.


Banjong Pisanthanakun - Hello Stranger

GSC国际电影院线紧接《Bangkok Traffic Love Story》后,又上映一部GTH泰国浪漫喜剧片《Hello Stranger》(泰语是Guan Muen Ho,中文片名是“你好,陌生人”)。太好了,又有另一部泰国片看。此片在2010年8月发行,想不到这么快就来到马来西亚,算是有进步。大家邻居,速度慢就等于关照慢。

虽然故事中有很多巧合,但是本来要有很多巧合,事情才会发生的。故事由两个泰国人到南韩旅行开始,其中有很多笑料随故事的发展和人物的性格发展,好笑兼不造作。导演Banjong Pisanthanakun拍恐怖片出名(Shutter, Alone, 4bia, Phobia2),首部浪漫喜剧片的灵感来自Songkalot Bangyikhun的《Two Shadows in Korea》就已经拍得很出色。

这部片虽属商业片,但是其中的故事、镜头、铺排也都成其大全。我看得很开心,也看了好几次。同时,这部电影启发了我,其中一个点子(Directly to the source)也由此启发。真的,好电影有很大的启发性。
From the beginning till the end, I love this film "Hello Stranger" by Banjong Pisanthanakun. The story was paced with laughter-teasing plots and it pleased all of us. There was a scene that review its inspiration from the book "Two Shadows in Korea". It was kind of commercial and indie blended film with all film techniques done accordingly well. Both Chunthawit Thanasewi and Nuengthida Sophon performed greatly in the film. Again, I love this film!


BlackBerry Messenger - South East Asia Ads

黑莓即时通系列广告看起来、听起来平易近人。我看了五则广告,各2分钟,包括了马来西亚的服装设计师Sonny San、新加坡演员Eunice Olsen、印尼明星Annisa Pohan、泰国歌星Chin Chinawut和菲律宾足球员Phil Younghusband。这些广告重点强调各种星级岗位的专业人士如何善用BlackBerry Messenger。广告方向的呈现方式很生活化,广告主角的叙述也非常自然,广告稿写得很贴切明星本身,也凸现了messenger的功能。当然,我喜欢这句广告词:Do What You Live, Live What You Do。明星们会在最后这样说:I am not (his/her profession), I am BB Messenger.


I saw these BlackBerry Messenger campaign which focused on South East Asia - Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines - and I quite liked it. It was 2 minutes for each promo. They talk smoothly and naturally, as if it is not scripted. The scripts were done brilliantly to capture each features of BBM and focused on each profession and individual needs.

SEA region shares lots of culture, weather, languages and we are closed. So, I love this feeling of SEA and I am building my social network across this region, which is my origin. My mother tongue is highly mixed and kind of a hybrid of all these. Wishfully we grow excellent!


25hours - I'm Glad To Not Meet You

I knew 25hours not long ago. 25hours is a Thai pop rock band. For me, they are a nice band with nice ordinary pop songs. But they sang this song, and featured in the Thai movie Hello Stranger. In Thai it goes Yin Di Thi Mai Ruk Chuk, which goes I'm glad to not meet you. So now, I could say to someone, yin di thi mai ruk chuk, and pretend that I am glad to meet them.

Anyway, The song is great and the movie is lovely and funny. It is great to start learning a language firstly though the songs. It always get my interest first than any other ways. I am seriously considering to learn Thai seriously.

Click here to see the video with English subtitles.