
Iron & Wine - Waitin' For Superman

I love this acoustic cover for The Flaming Lips' Waitin' For Superman. I felt as light as the vocal. There must be something in this world still worth trying, I thought. And I kept telling myself tonight.


Martin Solveig & Dragonette - Hello

看了這MV後,感覺不是德國那種冷酷,反而像法國那種有些誇張的幽默。 Martin Solveig是來自巴黎的電音DJ和監製,他還主持每週電台節目“C'est La Vie”。如果完全MUTE掉MV,只是看MV的情節,我也會覺得好笑。週六就該輕鬆一些(,就算還在工作)。但是如果喜歡house和funk的音樂,不妨可以聽聽。這首Hello聽起來還蠻pop的,雖然沒有那些我喜歡的冷酷,還是那句:輕鬆幽默(乃須用腦)歡樂一下也是很好的。
I liked the fact that this cover design of single Hello is related to the tennis theme. The MV was hilarious, and well done. I also felt that Dragonette's vocal is quite Blondie in a way, so it added another layer of humour, which was brilliant. It was great fun to discover Martin Solveig's music in this way.

Oliver Koletzki feat. Fran - Hypnotized

这一周可以说很Berlin Calling,不知不觉爱上德国DJ/电子音乐。德国监制兼唱片骑手Oliver Koletzki发行了三张专辑,分别是2007的《Get Wasted》及2010的《Lovestoned》,其中单曲“Hypnotized”(被催眠)收录于2009的《Großstadtmärchen》。每每周末就很想听这种音乐,偶尔也很恋很俱乐部的dance音乐,却比较多倾向于那些不缓不急且很适合lounge的音乐,那些就算坐着喝酒也能感觉到一些摇摆气氛的音乐。不管周末晚有没有心血来潮要到俱乐部,都会惯性听这种对我而言属于周末不上班的音乐 (虽然,其实我这个周末在赶稿喷字)。
Oliver Koletzki is a German producer and DJ, so this song would be expected to sound like club music. Recently I got to listen music by Germans, perhaps it was a series of co-incidences, and I was hypnotized to dream of being at all those clubs in Berlin and dancing: we have a drink/ then go outside/ talk for a while/and then we kiss. It was best to feel the beat during weekend even I might not have a concrete plan to do clubbing, but the tune suited the weekend perfectly.


St. Patrick Festival at Sid's Pub

稿件截至日期产生很大的压力。但是,我依然还是现身和友人约定的St. Patrick庆典。我当天好像变成了另外一个人,一个我很陌生的自己。我变得很热情,刚好有如不过火的社交高手。我想,必定是物极必反。可能压力太大,成全了自己可爱的一面。原来我也可以很PR。他们都说,做creative的创作人不擅长和别人打交道,因为脸色可以来得迅速直接让人啃不下。我称这为stereotype。其实创作人是很可爱的,他们各有不同的可爱。创作人本身都有一种很原初的某种天真、真性情或心意。所以,请好好善待创作人,他会给你惊喜。

Albeit I had many script deadlines, I decided to spend time with my friends as arranged. It was great fun which made me felt at ease. We drank the black liquid without much concern and started to get tipsy. We loved the props we wore for those polaroid shoots. It was a brilliant way to enhance this St' Patrick experience. A lovely day I would always remember we were crazy once.


Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner - Sky and Sand


Sometimes happiness came at an unexpected moment. It filled me when I listen to this track, Sky and Sand. perhaps it was only 3 minutes and 52 seconds. I had a lifetime happy memory winding in my mind. I had my best of youth (of 20-something). It was as beautiful as fireworks.



看了法片Tous les Soleils(所有的太陽)預告片,大概也猜到劇情,就是探討單親父親撫養女兒長大的故事。好像沒怎樣出奇的故事,但看預告時覺得整部片很順。 Cédric Klapisch拍過Les Poupées Russes和L' Auberge Espagnole,因為喜歡這兩部片所以這部新片Ma Part du Gateau也給看上了。 Tom Hanks自編自導自演的浪漫喜劇電影Larry Crowne反而是我最期待。至於Priest(聖徒),是一部有關屠殺吸血鬼的影片,改編自韓國同名漫畫,就是那種一點都不想用腦的電影。

Philippe Claudel's Tous les Soleils, Cédric Klapisch's Ma Part du Gâteau,
Tom Hanks' Larry Crowne, Scott Stewart's Priest.


Free Blood - The Royal Family

看了這於2008年上載的youtube,更讓我有很cult的感覺。除了非主流之餘,還是那種歇斯底里的離奇。我開始可以想像布魯克林的地下俱樂部的club scene。這就是來自紐約布魯克林的Free Blood樂團。但是,我又愛看如此古怪的MV。有時我還想像自己做著這些離奇古怪的事件。這首The Royal Family的MV,John Pugh和Madeline Davy在投入音樂跳舞的情景,我可以想像布魯克林俱樂部的燈光、達人、音樂和氛圍。

Raj Kappor - Bobby

Saturday and Sunday afternoon were my usual Hindi film routine when I was young. Our national TV stations always showed Hindi films during those particular times, which was nice. I grew up watching all those Hindi movies and my Bollywood fascinations came from those films I watched. It was great to have those joy with watching Hindi films.

Free Blood - Never Hear Surf Music Again

突然覺得紐約布魯克林是一處神奇的地方,因為那裡有許多獨立音樂樂團,所生產的音樂很有自我風格,幾乎就是這樣一個這麼偏離的城市風貌。 Free Blood就是其一來自紐約布魯克林的樂隊。他們的音種屬實驗性非主流,有很weird、quirky的實驗性。布魯克林是否都住著這些怪異音樂人或是經常發生離奇事件?真想一探究竟。

還記得電影《127小時》的開場嗎?就是用上Free Blood的“Never Hear Surf Music Again”作為序曲。 Free Blood的音樂該恨適合那些朝拜布魯克林地下俱樂部的樂迷,某種程度上很有cult的味道。 anyway,雖然不是一般俱樂部常播的house選曲,但是偶爾加插也會很high。我說真的。
Free Blood's Never Hear Surf Music Again was featured as the opening of 127 Hours. I kept wondering why there were many unique indie bands from Brooklyn, those bands seem strange, quirky, unusual... and yet I like them. I also wondered how were those Brooklyn underground clubs, it must be fun. Visit Free Blood's myspace or soundcloud to hear them more.


Namewee - We Are Nothing

查看youtube上载日期,看见是Mar 17, 2011。对黄明志的歌印象都是很会骂人的歌。但是这首歌的内容,传达了人类以为自己是king of the world,不断在剥夺世界的资源,伤害大自然环境,以致失衡而引起大灾难。就如黄明志这样唱着:we're nothing at all, we are nothing at all, can't you see that we're only hurting the world?


We Are Nothing is a song by Namewee and Karen Kong. Namewee successfully raises controversial in Malaysia by his daring songs. He dared to speak out loud. He is one of the artists who closely pay attention to national issues.


Maroon 5 - If I Ain't Got You

洛杉磯樂團Maroon 5在新專輯精裝版的《Hands All Over》收錄了他翻唱Alicia Keys的"If I Ain't Got You"現場版。一直很愛“If I Ain't Got You”,一直很喜歡Alicia Keys彈鋼琴演唱這首經典歌曲。我曾經去karaoke點唱結果當然讓人讓己忍痛累累。終於也讓我有機會聽到男音現場版,一償心願。我沒覺得Adam Levine唱得特別好會感人,只是很喜歡他的男音給了這首歌柔情以外的男子氣概。

我曾經很投進這首歌的情懷,我還曾經對人說過類似"你就是我的Prada,你就是我追求的"。現在回想起來真是受不了當時的肉麻。畢竟還是經歷過一段刻骨銘心的歷程,畢竟當時的意境很像這首歌:everything means nothing if I ain't got you。不管以後是否還可以如此放膽去愛,但是,唯一沒有改變的事情,是我依然很鍾愛這首If I Ain't Got You,它變成了我生命的一部分。就如Maroon 5在結尾時說:we love you Alicia Keys。

I have love this song - If I Ain't Got You - just like I have loved someone. Things changed, yet the love of me for this song was unchanged. I would not think I could ever love like that again, but never mind, who would like to love bitterly again? It was not a waste, but a matter of youth. I still believe in love, but not strongly believe. Anyway, I love this song by Alicia Keys. And this cover by male voice Adam Levine, I liked it too, of course not as much as I liked A.K. The lovely lyrics would always stay in my mind.

Lovely Day Covers

很多歌曲都有聽過,可是有好像沒有聽過,因為有時根本不知道是哪一首歌,或是哪一位歌手唱的,就像這首Lovely Day。在聽《127小時電影原聲帶》才再次聽見這首Bill Withers的原唱版本。在電影中,當James Franco嘗試用滑輪將石頭吊起時,就放這首歌。這實在是充滿積極意義的一首歌,我很喜歡歌詞:when the day that lies ahead of me seems impossible to face / and someone else instead of me always seems to know the way / then I look at you and the world's alright with me。

這首歌由美國騷靈及節奏藍調歌手Bill Withers創作,收錄在1978年的專輯《Menagerie》。很多歌手翻唱過,其中最喜歡的還是Maroon 5唱的版本。美國饒舌歌手LL Cool J在歌曲LLovely Day中編入了Lovely Day。美國薩士風手Elan Trotman也吹過Lovely Day。還有很多歌手翻唱過,無論如何,還是很喜歡Bill Withers的原唱版本。衷心祝福大家,拿出勇氣面對生活,不要忘記總會有美好的一天。

I love this Lovely Day by Bill Withers, and his famous songs Ain't No Sunshine and Just the Two of Us. I could have the lovely-day feeling after listening to this song. I guessed it gave me strength, a strength to happily move on and continued to do the best of life. I heard this song again when I watched 127 Hours. The song gave hopes. I hoped every one of us could stay strong and do not forget to hope for lovely days.


Batu Caves 黑風洞


抵達時看見巨大壯觀的金黃色神像,友人為之震撼。這不是我的第一次,所以,我的反應只是:抬頭、望一眼、很大、很高、我們繼續走吧。我也為我自己漠不關心的冷淡感到擔心,到底這神明叫什麼名字我也懶得查清楚。突然我覺得納悶。我即刻改變態度,撇下自己要為友人當遊客的包袱,從本地人變成了一個好玩遊客- 雖然覺得白痴但是比較好玩。


Andrew from London came to Kuala Lumpur. He had been to few sightseeings such as Twin Tower, KL Tower, Bird Park... Yet he had never heard of Batu Caves. I told him that it was a cave temple with lots of Hindu gods and goddesses. It was unique as the temples are built inside this limestone cave, with 272 steps to climb. It was a holly cave. Every time I visited the Batu Caves, I was inspired. When I saw the sunlight came from the top and then lightened the temple, I felt calm and blessed. A blessing could be done simply and purely. I saw lots of gods and had no clue who they are. Finally I got to ask a keeper what's the name of the huge golden god guarding the entrance. It was Murugan.

Cat Power - The Greatest

今早下大雨。冷冷的一個早晨,沒有眷戀床被。啟動電腦開始寫稿,心卻不在焉。一直在聽歌。雨天特別有感覺。雨晨的空氣特別清爽。這麼美好的時刻,留給了自己。泡一杯熱咖啡,將工作暫且擱在一旁。突然很想听這首Cat Power的The Greatest,就听了。 《藍莓之夜》的一些情節浮現在腦裡- 我看見Norah Jones手托著臉腮,我看見Jude Law在寫明信片,我看見雪糕溶解流進藍莓派...
It was a beautiful rainy morning. I woke up early without missing the warm bed. I wanted to finish the script, but my heart was stolen. The air was fresh, it ignited my sensitivity. I took a break and indulged myself at this beautiful moment with a cup of hot coffee. And I clearly knew I wanted to listen to Cat Power's The Greatest. What a good start.


Yuna - Dan Sebenarnya

世界发生了很多事情,大家都在担心。危言四处流传,搞得人心惶惶。周末的惊讶一直持续,无法好好写稿。就在这些时候,重听Yuna的Dan Sebenarnya暂时喘一口气。她的歌声的确有舒缓紧张神经的作用。她的歌曲和唱腔都很西化,acoustic的歌曲中有些爵士的唱腔。这个下午,也让我有借口偷懒。



Pray for Japan



节录:“日本人用堅毅的意志以及謙卑冷靜的行動力,來面對這場9級強震和海嘯,不管是政府機關、自衛隊、媒體、藝人或運動員,還是一般百姓,所謂的推友,宅男等等,都加入救災行動,用一股牽動全民的社校軟勢力來面對這場天災。” - Elvin Maoxi


Keren Ann - My Name is Trouble

Keren Ann Zeidel多才多藝。她彈吉他、彈鋼琴、吹單簧管。她唱、她寫、她作曲、她配樂、她監製、她錄製。到底Keren Ann是誰?首先,我們知道,她生於1974​​年,父母是俄羅斯-猶太、荷蘭-爪哇人,她活躍的城市是特拉維夫、白立和紐約。還真覺得可以用琳瑯滿目來形容她的背景。

《101》是Keren Ann在2011年發行的最新專輯。首發單曲“My Name is Trouble”感覺就像流行搖滾電音合成曲,不乏流行味道之餘,也順利潛藏非主流的音流,感覺豐富卻不會復雜,就像Keren Ann本身的樣貌和氣質,簡單卻獨特。而我對於所有Karen的歌手都好奇,雖然Karen和Karen差了一個字母。Keren Ann應該會成為下一個Karen。
I always fancy artists with name Karen. Karen Ann is unique, in every sense: physique, voice, music. 101 is her latest new album in 2011. Actually before 101, I have not heard of anything of her. I admire her versatile professions - singer, songwriter, composer, producer, engineer. Her parents are Russian-Jewish and Dutch-javanese. She plays guitar, piano, clarinet. Y'know? Multiple, variety, complexity... Check this video of her singing Bright Stones and get a hint of versatility from Karen Ann.


Plastic Bertrand - Ça Plane Pour Moi

電影《127小時》有這一幕:當男主角困在冰冷的大峽谷接近絕望時,他想像在他的車裡擠了一群嬉皮士般的俊男美女紛紛在脫衣。當時的配樂就是這首Plastic Bertrand唱的“Ça Plane Pour Moi”(直譯:對我而言就像滑行)。這首歌配得很恰當,予人的感覺就是年輕就該盡情玩樂,超能影射當時男主角的心情。也因為這樣,我也一直聽ca plane pour moi。

"Ça Plane Pour Moi"是比利時歌手Plastic Bertrand於1977年發行的單曲,當時大受歡迎。許多電影用上了,也有很多人翻唱,現在聽起來還是快樂味道十足。
The BossHoss featured Plastic Bertrand in their MV(youtube above). Plastic Bertrand performed Ça Plane Pour Moi on TOTP 1978. Australian band Midnight Juggernauts did an acoustic cover of Ça plane pour moi also. And there was a remix version by Sonic Youth. It was featured in 127 Hours (when James Franco dreamed of boys and girls squeezed in a small car, taking off their clothes in a cold weather somewhere in the Grand Canyon). It was the third song I liked from 127 hours soundtrack. Ça Plane Pour Moi literally means it's gliding for me, which all guess, gliding comes the feeling of smooth, so it would mean all goes well for me. And indeed, listen to this song and feel all things go perfectly well and happy. Enjoy.


Pascal Chaumeil - Heartbreaker

2010年法國浪漫喜劇電影《L'arnacœur》(英譯“Heartbreaker”,大陸譯“芳心终结者”,台灣譯“戀愛救火隊”)一聽之下就覺得是一部商業片。單看片名就猜到劇情- 故事的結局無非是這個工作身份為heartbreaker的美男子最後愛上自己的客戶。但是電影從開始到結束,我就從頭笑到尾。之中鋪陳了許多笑彈,甚至很細節的部分也不放過,我對法國電影者真是欽佩有加。編劇們對世界時事和趨向非常敏感。情節中鋪排的遊客小角色是華人,演員因為潛入酒店扮演酒店職員而必須說華語,真是笑料百出。

扮演美男子的Romain Duris,與扮演他姐姐的Julie Ferrier和姐夫的Francois Damien組成了這支戀愛救火隊。他們三人的演技精湛。在戲中他們化身各種不同角色,所製造的笑料真是絕好!他們的演技都讓他們呢提名2011法國凱撤電影獎,甚至這部片自也問鼎凱撤最佳電影提名。還有,差一點忘記了。這電影的配樂很到位。這是我很like法國電影的原因之一。

我看了幾部Romain Duris演得片子,我覺得他真會演戲,角色扮演很強,塑造性很高。他拿不拿獎也無所謂,我還是喜歡看他演的戲。至於Vanessa Paradis,這是我第一次看她的片子。我很喜歡她的氣質。尤其她的雙眸,憂鬱中隱藏了某種深度,非常吸引,很催人去了解她更多。大家有機會一點光要觀賞喲!到時馬來譯成“Pemecah Hati”也不錯。
Albeit the predicted ending of this commercial romantic comedy film, Heartbreaker is witty, joyful and entertaining with a brilliant script-writing and acting. Romain Duris delivered an excellent performance. Heartbreaker was a laughing pill that made me laughed crazily. I enjoyed this movie very much.


Cesar Best Film 2011

2011年第36屆法國凱撤電影頒獎禮在奧斯卡前幾天舉行(2月25日),各自互不相關(除了某些同時提名的電影)。 。去年獲得康城影展評審團大獎的《人與神》(Des Hommes er Des Dieux),在此獲得了最高榮譽-凱撤最佳影片。影片改編自1996年阿爾及利亞內戰期間,一所修道院的數名修士被殺害的真實慘案。提名最佳電影中惟有波蘭斯基指導的《影子寫手》(The Ghost Writer)是英語片,而且囊括4獎(最佳導演、最佳改編劇本、最佳剪輯和最佳配樂)。波蘭斯基在歐陸很受愛戴,在美國則是通緝犯,所以遭到杯葛。但是到底《影子寫手》是否是不好電影,還是先看再評吧。
Of Gods and Men which won Grand Prix during last year Cannes Film Festival won the Cesar Best Film award this year in France. Roman Polanski's The Ghost Writer got appreciated in Cesar and swept 4 awards including Best director. I am a fan of actor Romain Duris, so Heartbreaker is much anticipated, as much as Le Nom des Gens and On Tour.
36th Cesar Best Film nominees: Xavier Beauvois' Of Gods and Men, Pascal Chaumeil's Heartbreaker, Benoît Delépine and Gustave Kervern's Mammuth, Roman Polanski's The Ghost Writer, Mathieu Amalric's On Tour, Michel Leclerc's Le Nom des Gens, Joann Sfar's Gainsbourg (vie héroïque).


Clueso - Gewinner

對某些事情產生興趣或好奇時,我會繼續發現,想要知道更多。這是一種八卦性格嗎?當我繼續在發現Clueso的音樂時,我聽見了這首單曲Gewinner,該是兩三年前的歌。我很快就一直在聽,甚至還將歌詞找出來,跟著副歌的部分一起唱:ich bin dabei, du bist dabei, wir sind dabei, uns zu verlieren... 八卦的我也去查閱這句歌詞的意思。我在、你在、我們都在讓自己放任的過程中/我在、你在、我們都在讓自己放任的過程中嗎? /我在、你在、我們都在讓自己墜落的過程中/我在、你在、我們都在讓自己墜落的過程中嗎?這個宅男在家寫稿的周六下午,我就在模擬著德語發音,唱這些陌生的歌詞。就是這樣愛上Gewinner。
Clueso Gewinner
After liking Clueso's Zu Schnell Verboi, I go looked the official website clueso.de. It is in German and I thought never mind, at least I could understand this: Die Single "Gewinner" ist die Single zur Live-LP der "So Sehr Dabei Tour". I watched the Vevo video which was uploaded on Oct 24, 2009 and immediately fell for his masculine sentimental. It was not too late to have known Clueso. I like the chorus: ich bin dabei, du bist dabei, wir sind dabei, uns zu verlieren... ich bin dabei, bist du diabei, sind wir dabei, uns zu verlien? ... which I have no idea what was going on between you, me and us. I did not really care what does it really mean, as I had already sung along with.

Cut Copy - Need You Now

樂隊Cut Copy來自墨爾本,樂種為合成流行樂。最新專輯《Zonoscope》(觀地儀)中的第二主打Need You Now聽起來像書呆子出席80年代迪士高的非主流電子合成樂。如果繼續聽下去(Take Me Over [live in Chile]),非主流的感覺會很濃。我也是在瀏覽網絡時發現了Cut Copy的音樂。如果要搞“非主流”80年代Home趴,Cut Copy可以使不錯的選擇。但是也務必要準備一些主流和大家熟悉的經典,以備來home趴的人提早跳場。
Need You Now is the second single released from Cut Copy's third studio album Zonoscope. The first time I heard it, it sound quirky cool synth electronica and nerdy 80s retro disco to me. At first I thought it was a cover for Lady Antebellum's hit and obviously I was wrong. Then I wondered what did Zonoscope mean, as I could not find it in dictionary. That album picture gave me a hint. Scope refers to a kind of scientific equipment, and perhaps zono come from zone, and one could see the zone differently with this scope. Well, There are more to discover from Cut Copy.

Clueso - Gone Too Quick

德國唱作人、饒舌歌手、監製Clueso的最新單曲Zu Schnell Vorbei (消失太快)大家可以先聽為快,也請瀏覽Clueso官方網站發掘他的音樂。雖然覺得德語像是外星語文,但是這首歌讓我突然覺得德語有它動聽之處。這是我第一次聽見Clueso,我覺得這首單曲Zu Schnell Vorbei的pop味很重,編曲方面有些嘻哈的感覺,卻並非典型的嘻哈。這首歌在結尾時,有伸展抒發的空間感。

Zu Schnell Vorbei is the first single from German songwriter Clueso's upcoming album An Und Für Sich. Honestly this was my first time hearing Clueso and immediately I like this single. Furthermore, I love seeing Clueso running in this music video across those beautiful landscapes. I love the ending of this song, and I could not stop thinking I would be running like him. check out http://www.clueso.de.


Antipodean Cafe

Antipodean CafeAntipodean Cafe
孟沙特拉威街(Bangsar Telawi street)有一間新開的咖啡座叫Antipodean,我和友人就在下午時分去光顧。我目前在撰寫兒童節目電視稿,時間鬆動且可自由安排。友人從廣州回來也在尋職兼有些沒些做些兼職,大家的時間還真配合得來。午後時分咖啡座當然人煙稀少,我們抵達時咖啡座還在安裝無線上網系統。由於編輯6時得交稿,我一邊趕稿,一邊就在Antipodean喝咖啡。我們都聽說這裡的咖啡不錯,所以特地來試試。


Antipodean CafeAntipodean Cafe
My friend and I went to this new cafe in Bangsar Telawi street, it is called Antipodean. We tried the coffee and we quite liked it, but we still preferred coffee from Artisan. It was great to have such hassle free arrangement to come to a cafe at this afternoon hour. She was a job seeker and I was a freelancer, all we had is a better timing co-incidence. It was really a good idea to work freely at a cafe whenever you want to. Not all the times, but if I did go, I always had a good time.

Sigur Ros' Festival in 127 Hours

Aaron(James Franco飾演)在《127小時》逃出大峽谷時遇上其他攀登者,電影的背景音樂就放這首Sigur Ros的“Festival”,感覺就像絕處逢生那樣。 Sigur Ros的音樂很自然地有這種效果。他們的音樂特能挑起我們對生活、對生命的敏感,一切都變得liveful。 Sigur Ros的音樂也很能激起大家對生命的思考,這也是我喜歡他們的原因之一。原來,世界還是有其美麗的一面,大家一定要堅持才會發現。我和友人走進戲院看電影《127 小時》,真是充滿活力,對生命不離不棄的電影。我呆在座位上,感動著電影給我的故事、啟示和動感。

這是我第二次看《127小時》。因為有一天,朋友的朋友說這部電影不好看,像《厄夜叢林》(Blair Witch Project)一樣。聽罷我慫恿朋友進場看戲,我的朋友真的是我的朋友,我們都認為《127小時》從頭到尾沒有冷場,而且劇本好、音樂好、鏡頭刺激……。 Please,請不要用《厄夜叢林》來比喻或和《127小時》扯上關係。朋友的朋友可以不愛看《127小時》,但是硬要和《厄夜叢林》掛勾的話,遲早會惹毛我。
Sigur Ros' song Festival from album Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust is featured almost at the end of 127 Hours, when he finally showed himself on ground and met other canyon hikers. It was touching, I felt life and the power from it. Sigur Ros' music has this spectacular magic, they keeps you lively, and go with it with faith and hopes. Again, I am pleased by 127 Hours and its soundtrack.


Sex in Dallas - 5 o'clock

Sex in Dallas是來自德國柏林的新晉樂隊,這首單曲“5 o'clock”目前在網上開始走紅。女主音的名字是Mohini Geisweiller,樂種為獨立、電子音樂,其餘有關於這樂隊的事情還是不能從網上發掘。無所謂,有些新事件是暫且沒辦法找到的。所以不必像偵探查家籍一樣追查,單純地享受音樂就好了。這首5 o'clock乃是我喜歡的音樂,感謝Matt Ang的介紹,我們經常有共鳴。

A indie electro band from Berlin, Sex in Dallas new single "5 o'clock" is a great appetizer. Check out their myspace website, or listen to another song: Milk Teeth.

Lady Antebellum - Hello World

“Hello World”是Lady Antebellum專輯《Need You Now》中第四炮單曲,也應該是專輯中我最喜歡的單曲。我喜歡詞義(well, hello world, how've you been? good to see you, my old friend...),能激勵人心。如果在絕望時,聽這首歌會找回些許的勇氣。在十字路口徬徨,也會有些寄託繼續走下去。這張專輯出了首發單曲“Need You Now”,其它的歌好像沒有正式留意。直至得了格林美音樂獎後,我才正式提起心情去聽這張專輯。凡人如我,常常都有那種“不多人搶也就不去搶”的態度;往往喜歡看頭銜,往往喜歡得到什麼著名的肯定後才去給人留意。我看低我自己這種態度。我希望我可以不要這樣。

I love this fourth single Hello World from Lady Antebellum's Need You Now. It was an unusual country song for me, inspiring and I love the lyrics. Again, I am amazed.


Cesar Animated Film 2011

以前一直習慣看美式動畫電影。但是自從接觸了歐陸的動畫電影風格後,就覺得除了“不停發送美式主義”的動畫,還好,還有其它,抵制霸權依然可以發現其它奇妙。法國凱撤電影獎中提名的電影名單,就顯示the taste of others。動畫《L'Illusionniste》就有份提名奧斯卡,卻敗給《玩具總動員3》,卻在法國凱撤贏得殊榮。但是,我最感興趣的,還是《貓在巴黎》(Une Vie de Chat),預告中所看到的情節和動畫藝術非常吸引。另外,《亞瑟和他的迷你王國》在本地匆匆上映匆匆下畫,對我來說也無關痛癢一樣。最後,最想看的,是《商標世界》(Logorama),對於超喜歡牌子的我,肯定感興趣。
Jean-Loup Felicioli and Alain Gagol's Une Vie de Chat, Sylvain Chomet's L'Illusionniste, Luc Besson's Arthur 3 la Guerre des Deux Mondes, Jean-Christophe Lie's L'Homme à la Gordini, Francois Alaux and Herve de Crecy and Ludovic Houplain's Logorama,

Oscar Animated Film 2011

看了入圍名單就猜到《玩具總動員3》會獲的2011年奧斯卡動畫電影大獎,結果果真如此。 《玩具總動員3》上映時我一直錯過。看了法國動畫電影《魔術家》預告片後,還是那個想法,吉隆坡何時會上映。 《馴龍高手》上映了,但是激不起我的衝動。幾乎所有Pixar製作的動畫電影我都超愛的,但是,有時,就是找不到喜歡動畫電影的朋友一起上電影院。但,我不是那種會一個人到電影院看動畫片的人,因為我覺得那很悲慘和孤獨。其實應該說,自己的作息時間表不尋常,約會時間每每沒得對上。就醬而已。
Pixar's Toy Story 3, Sylvain Chomet's L'Illusionniste (The Illusionist), Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois' How to Train A Dragon.


Eat, Drink, Work, Smoke @ Ristretto Cafe

週日晚去兜了一段路程,想在離家不遠找一個有感覺的咖啡座工作/寫稿,結果敗興而歸。要找這樣一個地方竟然找不到。第二天我們就到了這間才剛開了4個月的Ristretto Cafe。上週日來過,知道這地方可以上網,就來試試看是否有感覺。感覺這回事很奇妙。有就有,強求不來。我在這裡專心工作,Lish則寫成昨天很有感覺、很想寫卻沒地方寫成的短文。閱讀她的文字,還真有那份感覺。

再來我在這裡酗咖啡:long macchiato、affogato、latte macchiato。兩人午餐一份炒飯、一份蔬菜派,晚餐一份咖哩面、一份椰漿飯。從中午到晚上一直在這個地方屁股貼著椅子吃、喝、寫,和抽煙。這樣子工作,感覺還真好。

Lish and I had been searching an inspiring cafe for us to write. We failed the mission on Sunday night, but then we continued on Monday. We finally came here to try out if we could get any feeling for writing at Ristretto cafe (furthermore it was not far from our living places). So we had spent the day and night there eating, drinking coffee, smoking and writing our feelings. I was productive, it was a good start.